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Presentation on theme: "Homophones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homophones

2 What are homophones? The word “homo-” means the same.
The word “-phone” means sound. Together, the word homophone means “same sound”. Homophones are words that: sound alike are spelled differently have different meanings

3 Why do homophones exist?
The English language is a “Melting Pot” of words derived from many other languages, businesses, trades, sciences, and industry jargon (language). New technologies, social changes and regional dialects also contribute to new homophone sets.

4 Examples of Homophones: Their/There/They’re

5 Practice distinguishing between their/there/they’re on the worksheet
Practice distinguishing between their/there/they’re on the worksheet! This is independent work. No talking is required! When you are finished, look over your answers. Then, you may read silently at your desk!

6 There, Their or They’re? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

7 Examples of Homophones: Your/You’re

8 Your or You’re 1. 2. 3. 4.

9 Examples of Homophones: It’s/Its and Too/Two/To
It’s- Contraction meaning “It is or It has” Its- Possessive pronoun meaning belonging to it. Too- Also I like English too! Two- The number 2 I have two dogs. To- Meaning towards I walked to the bus.

10 Examples of Homophones: Which/Witch

11 Do Now On a plain sheet of paper, explain the cartoon below in three or more complete sentences

12 Examples of Homophones: Eight/Ate

13 Examples of Homophones: Dyed/Died

14 PEACE Examples of Homophones: Piece/Peace
Piece: Part (Example: puzzle piece) Peace: Non warring condition (Example: peace sign)

15 Examples of Homophones: Whose/Who’s

16 Homophones: Threw/Through
Threw: push or force with movement Through: moving in one side and out the other

17 Homophones: Passed/Past
Past: gone by in time/no longer existing Passed: move in a specific direction

18 Homophone Checklist It is a homophone if it: sounds alike
is spelled differently has different meanings

19 Synonym and Antonym Synonym: word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated. Antonym: a word opposite in meaning to another. Fast is an antonym of slow.

20 Easily Confused Words: Accept/Except
Accept: to agree to take Except: not including

21 ECW: Than/Then

22 E.C.W: Affect/Effect Affect: to have an effect on/make a difference on Effect: A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

23 What to STUDY for the quiz:
1. its/it’s 2. their/they’re/there 3. your/you’re 4. to/two/too 5. whose/who’s 6. which/witch 7. eight/ate 8. died/died 9. peace/piece 10. threw/through 11. passed/past 12. accept/except 13. than/then 14. affect/effect

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