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The Eyes! Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "The Eyes! Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eyes! Chapter 14

2 Objectives Identify the internal & external anatomical features of the eye Describe the health history pertaining to the eyes Demonstrate the following techniques: Basic vision testing Extra ocular muscular functioning Pupillary response External eye inspection Fundoscopic exam

3 More objectives Describe normal eye assessment findings
Describe abnormal findings of the eye Discuss health promotion practices that are pertinent to the eyes Explain age-related changes in the eye Document findings of the eye assessment

4 External Anatomy

5 Internal Anatomy


7 Lacrimal Apparatus

8 Extraocular muscles

9 Health History Vision Difficulty Pain Strabismus or diplopia
Redness or swelling Watering or discharge History of Ocular problems Glaucoma Use of glasses/CL Self-care behaviors

10 Talk the Talk OD = right eye OS = left eye Myopia = nearsighted
Hyperopia = farsighted Presbyopia = “old man’s vision” Amblyopia = lazy eye

11 Assessment techniques& Tools
Snellen Eye Chart Confrontation Test Corneal Light Reflex Cover Test Diagnostic Positions Test Amsler Grid Pen light Opthalmoscope

12 Snellen Eye Chart Measures visual acuity Distance Vision Near Vision
20 feet from patient Cover one eye Documentation! Near Vision Jaeger Card 14 inches

13 Practice!

14 Confrontation Test Measures peripheral vision
Face the patient with 2 feet between you Patient covers one eye (examiner covers eye opposite eye) Patient indicates when they can see your hand

15 Corneal Light Reflex (Hirschberg Test)
Indicates a muscle imbalance Need a pen light Hold 12 inches away from patient Note the reflection Should be symmetrical Asymmetry indicates an imbalance

16 Cover Test Indicates a muscle imbalance Phoria vs tropia
Patient stares at a fixed point Cover one eye at a time Normal = no movement in uncovered eye Abnormal= if the uncovered eye “jumps” it was not fixated on the point to begin with As you uncover the opposite eye, if it “jumps” it was not fixated

17 Diagnostic Positions Test
Elicits muscle weakness during movement Head stays steady; only eyes move Don’t move your hand too fast! Nystagmus

18 Amsler Grid Detects Macular Degeneration
If present, the disease will distort the lines on a grid

19 Visual Loss with Macular Degeneration


21 Glaucoma= pressure


23 Inspection of External Structure
General Eyebrows Eyeballs Exophthalmos Enophthalmos Conjunctiva & Sclera Scleral icterus Lacrimal Apparatus

24 Inspection of Anterior Eyeball Structures
Cornea & lens Arcus senilis Iris & pupil Anisocoria Pupillary light reflex Accommodation PERRLA Pupils Equal Round Reactive to light (with)

25 Inspect the Ocular Fundus
Internal surface of the retina Tools & Process Opthalmoscope Diopter 0= normal vision - # = myopia + # = hyperopia Darken the room for dilation Have the patient focus Look thru the pupil

26 Findings of the ocular fundus
Red Reflex Opacities Optic disk Color : creamy yellow-orange to pink Shape: Round or oval Margins: Distinct & sharply demarcated Cup-disc ratio: Brighter area in center- should not exceed ½ of the diameter



29 Ocular Fundus Continued
Retinal vessels Number Color A:V ratio Caliber A-V crossing Tortuosity Pulsations Macula Same size as the disc Darker than the disc, but color is even

30 Asymmetric Corneal Light Reflex
Esotropia Extropia

31 Eyelid Abnormalities Ptosis Blepharitis Chalazion

32 Pupil Abnormalities Anisocoria Monocular Blindness Mydriasis Miosis

33 Conjunctivitis Subconjunctival hemorrhage Cataracts

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