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Welcome to the 2018 Senior Meeting!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2018 Senior Meeting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2018 Senior Meeting!
Have a seat…we’ll get started shortly!


3 Parking (license to hunt)

4 Diploma Name Form Review the spelling with your parents/guardians (this form was sent home as well) If you would like to make changes fill out the appropriate sections Sign the form- your parent/guardian must sign as well Return it to Gretchen in Counseling by October 2nd.

5 Transcript Check Review your transcript (in your senior folder in the counseling office) before it goes to colleges

6 December 1st Deadline for College Applications
Would you like your college application to go out by January 15th? Submit your paperwork by DECEMBER 1st!!!! For the best chance at U of M and MSU, submit paperwork by Friday, October 6th

7 College Application Process
The APPLICATION STATION: The application process is posted on the Counseling Office bulletin board. The Gold Sheet has every step explained in detail The Purple Sheet has information about counselor recommendations

8 Common application or Non Common Application
Are you applying to a Common App School? --> Follow the LEFT column on the GOLD SHEET For Non Common App Schools--> Follow the RIGHT column on the GOLD SHEET

9 Common Application Set up an account & fill out the application – see our helpful hints!! Transcript…No need to request. Counselors will do this in the Common App ACT/SAT…request online – you will need to set this up on the respective websites Counselor Letter -- ask John or Brian in person & fill out Purple Sheet your contacts as well for convenience and accuracy! Teacher Letters…ask in person (very, very nicely) & request online

10 Common application questions be sure to look at the handy sheet provided in your packets
1. Are GPAs unweighted at CHS? Yes, GPAs are unweighted. 2. Where Can I Find My GPA? Your GPA is on your transcript in your College Folder in the Counseling Office 3. What is my class size at CHS? We have 132 in the graduation class at CHS.

11 Common App Questions – Con’t
How do I find my class rank at CHS? At CHS, we do not rank our students, so write in “students are not ranked at my school.” 5. What is CEEB/ACT Code for CHS? 6. What day is our date of graduation? Tues, June 5th, 2018 How do I find my ACT/SAT scores? You can find it in your College Folder in the Counseling Office. How will I fill out my schedule for senior year? You will put in all of the courses for BOTH semesters. You may need to guess for the 2nd semester courses. For example, you may be taking an English class but you don’t know which one. So, you can write English TBA. Stay as academically focused as possible. Title: John Boshoven, Brian Williams, COUNSELOR Phone: (counseling office phone)

12 Non Common Applications
Create an account online with the college & fill out application Transcript -- Go to and create an account to send your transcripts ACT/SAT -- Go to website to send your respective scores Counselor Letter -- ask John or Brian person & fill out Purple Sheet Teacher Letter -- ask them directly

13 Non Common app: Transcript & Test Scores
Officially request your transcript via “Docufide by Parchment” Officially request your ACT/SAT test scores from:

14 Counselor Letter of Recommendation
Ask us in the nicest way possible (food works really well!) Request online if possible in the application Purple Sheet: Please John or Brian with your list of references / Give us 2 weeks notice !!!!

15 Scholarships NOW is the time to apply! Places to look: CHS Website
Career Cruising/Financial Aid,, College Financial Aid Websites

16 College Visits Meet the college rep who will be reviewing your college application! Be sure to introduce yourself & look your best Come prepared with questions pertaining to the college Where is the list? You will get a daily “remind” too! The search is not over!

17 Caps, gowns, graduation announcements, rings, etc
Caps, gowns, graduation announcements, rings, etc. Order online with Jostens! Orders will be handed out at the next Senior meeting in January or February

18 Revised AAPS Rights & Responsibilities Handbook and Deanly Greetings;
Let’s listen to Dean Marci…

19 Other Stuff…Questions?

20 REMIND – One More Time….

21 Make it a great year... and a safe one.

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