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Cnidarians Sandra Benito J.H., 9B.

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Presentation on theme: "Cnidarians Sandra Benito J.H., 9B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cnidarians Sandra Benito J.H., 9B

2 Facts

3 Before: Coelenterata phylum, meaning "hollow guts."
Name: Cnidarians Before: Coelenterata phylum, meaning "hollow guts." Included certain ctenophores and sponges. From the Greek "cnidos," meaning "stinging nettle.“ Number of species currently existing: 10,105 species Taxonomic Classification: Domain: Eukaryota Kindom: VI. Animalia Phyla: B. Cnidaria Class: Cubozoa (Box jellies) Swimming Class: Scyphozoa (Jellyfishes) Swimming Class: Anthozoa (Anemones and corals) Sessile Class: Hydrozoa (Hydra) Both



6 Characteristics

7 Found in marine environments.
Two basic body types: Polyps Medusae Tentacles Venomous cell organelles (cnidea) Gastrovascular cavity Three-layered body; epidermis, mesoglea and gastrodermis Radially symmetric Carnivorous Solitary or colonial Asexual and/or sexual reproduction Nervous system No cardiovascular system



10 History

11 Fossil history: Vendian/ Ediacaran period 650 to 540 million years ago Soft-bodied organisms Cambrian period - coral fossils Early Ordovician - more developed corals

12 Generalized Life Cycle And Life Expectancy

13 Life span is undetermined.
Life cycles vary by class and species Some skip stages (e.g. Hydra) Alternation of generations (e.g. Obelia) Asexual reproduction medusae grows on external tissue Matured medusae swim away Sexual cells released Eggs are fertilized Zygote/planula settles and develops into a polyop


15 Digestive System

16 Absorb dissolved organic chemicals
Filter food particles Nutrients from endosymbiotic algae Predate Crustaceans and plankton Medusae forms sink on top of the prey Gastrodem layer releases enzymes that kill the prey Cells absorb the nutrients Nutrients spread by diffusion or mobile cells Indigestible remnants are ejected

17 Respiratory and Circulatory System

18 No circulatory system No respiratory organs Absorb/expel O and CO2 into water Water in digestive cavity is expelled

19 Sensory System

20 Simple sensory system Net of nerves made of sensitive neurons Sensitive neurons are connected by chemical synapse Neuron sends neurotransmitter (chemical) to cell group

21 Bibliography New Oxford American Dictionary

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