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Grammar Slides kapitel 12

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1 Grammar Slides kapitel 12

2 Future Tense: Werden + infinitive
(textbook page 130) The verb werden as a main (finite) verb means to become. The future tense is a compound verb tense with werden as an auxiliary verb in second position of the main clause followed by an infinitive in final position of the clause. Werden + infinitive translates as will + infinitive.

3 Future Tense: Modals (textbook page 131)
Modalities are frequently expressed in the future tense with werden as the helping verb and a double infinitive in the final position of the clause.

4 Future Tense: Expressions
(textbook page 131) In addition to the werden + infinitive construction, it is also quite common in German to imply the future by using the present tense plus an adverb referencing future time. The following examples demonstrate the use of present-tense verbs that translate into the future because of an adverb indicating future time: Note: Er studiert im Herbst implies He’s going to study in the fall, whereas Er wird im Herbst studieren indicates a definite intention, He will (shall) study in the fall.

5 Future Perfect Tense (textbook page 132)
The future perfect auxiliary werden can also occur with a past infinitive of a verb. The past infinitive consists of the past participle plus the infinitive of its appropriate auxiliary haben or sein. Note: In each case this combination expresses actions that will have happened usually within a specifically stated time or circumstantial framework (bis zum Ende der Woche/in weniger als zwei Tagen/ innerhalb von einer Stunde/gleich).

6 Future Perfect Tense (textbook page 132)
Other commonly used expressions

7 Future Tense Used to Express Probability
(textbook page 133) In German the future and the future perfect are used frequently to express probability. Used with an adverb like wohl, (wohl) schon, or doch, the future tense expresses probability or likelihood in reference to the present, while the future perfect + wohl expresses probability in reference to the past. For example:

8 Werden as a main verb (textbook page 133)
When werden = main verb, it translates into English as to become (Kapitel 5.4). Remember that the best translation of werden + zu is to turn into.

9 Werden + (wohl) infinitive = future tense
(textbook page 134) As you’ve learned in the current chapter, werden + (wohl) infinitive = future tense and translates into English as (probably) will/going to + infinitive.

10 Werden + past participle = passive voice
(textbook page 134) Werden + past participle = passive voice and translates into English as is (being) + past participle. The passive voice is discussed in detail in Kapitel 13.

11 Selbst, selber (textbook page 134)
The pronouns selbst and selber are used to intensify or emphasize the meaning of a noun or pronoun. When selbst or selber follows a noun or personal pronoun, translate with himself, herself, itself, themselves, etc.

12 Selbst, selber (textbook page 134)
However, when selbst precedes the noun or pronoun it is modifying, the translation should be even + noun or pronoun.

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