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DETERGENT WIPES By Dr. Allen Hanouka.

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Presentation on theme: "DETERGENT WIPES By Dr. Allen Hanouka."— Presentation transcript:

1 DETERGENT WIPES By Dr. Allen Hanouka

2 Presentation Layout This presentation will cover the following topics:
Product Overview Microbial Resistance Formats & Uses Advantages

3 > > > > > Product Overview
Designed for general cleaning and damp-dusting. Contains no alcohol or disinfectant. This product was launched as many hospitals have a policy of not using disinfectant wipes at all. They choose to use detergent wipes to clean and only use disinfectants when they have outbreaks or if a specific need arises. We advise that gloves be worn if used frequently or for prolonged periods. > > > >

4 Formats Clinell Detergent Wipes come in a variety of formats:
A pack of 50 with integrated clip A large 200 flow wrap pack A large 300 flow wrap pack A tub and refill of 100 wipes A bucket and refill of 225 wipes

5 Clinell Detergent Wipes 50 Clip Pack
(Wipe Size: 20 x 20 cm) With Integrated Clip

6 Clinell Detergent Wipes 200
(Wipe Size: 28 x 22 cm) This format is compatible with plastic Wall Dispenser.

7 Clinell Detergent Wipes 300
(Wipe Size: 22 x 26 cm) This format is compatible with plastic Wall Dispenser.

8 Clinell Detergent Wipes Tub & Refill 100
(Wipe Size: 20 x 25 cm) This format is compatible with wire Wall Dispenser.

9 Clinell Detergent Wipes Bucket & Refill 100
(Wipe Size: 20 x 25 cm) This format is compatible with wire Wall Dispenser.

10 Detergent Wipes Vs. Disinfectant Wipes
Many hospitals are happy to use detergent wipes and not disinfectant wipes. The theory behind this is that by using detergent wipes, you can physically remove biomass of microbes and even though they have not been killed (no disinfectant) the fact that they have been removed is sufficient. Many older microbiologists prefer to use detergents because they are worried about microbial resistance (see later slides). However... Majority of young microbiologists are in favour of the disinfectant route as it gives them more coverage and they recognise that at the concentrations of disinfectants used, resistance is a very low risk. Also if you use multiple disinfectants simultaneously with different mechanisms of action (as in Clinell Universal formula) it will negate this risk.

11 Microbial Resistance to Biocides
Hospitals that tend to use detergent wipes rather then disinfectant wipes is due to a worry about microbial resistance or adaptation to biocides. Resistance, which is a genetically determined phenomenon, has to be distinguished from phenotypic adaptation processes, which are not inherited or transferable or sustained after the selection pressure is removed.

12 Latest Clinell Detergent Wipes
Developed a new patented formulation that has improved cleaning qualities and leaves no smear. This will be in effect once current stocks of the old detergent formulation are used up.

13 > > > > > > > > > Uses
Clinell Detergent Wipes can be used on a range of hard surfaces including: > Bed frames/ mattresses Door Handles Taps Dressing trolleys Chairs Patient food trolleys Store areas Steel Gurneys Walking frames > > > > > > > >

14 Advantages Detergent wipes can just be considered as wet wipes with soap so there is nothing very novel about them. Only advantage is cost and the quality of the wipe i.e. thickness and size. In the UK, we are very successful with this range as we offer a very good after sales service including free dispensers and installation, free posters, ward based training and sponsorship of Infection Control meetings every few months.

15 Questions?

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