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WARM UP: Write a sentence telling me anything you know (or have heard) about Ancient Egypt.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP: Write a sentence telling me anything you know (or have heard) about Ancient Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP: Write a sentence telling me anything you know (or have heard) about Ancient Egypt.

2 River Valley Civilizations: Ancient Egypt

3 Location On continent of Africa Main River: The Nile River
Borders the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

4 Neighbors Of Ancient Egypt: *Kush *Nubia

5 CATARACTS – WILD RAPIDS IN RIVER; HELPED TO PROTECT EGYPT DELTA is a triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river

6 Natural Environment Most of land in Egypt was desert. The world’s largest desert is Sahara Desert. Nile River, which flooded at certain times of the year, left layer of rich silt (ideal for farming)


8 SHADOOF Early invention by the Egyptians to help lift water from the Nile River.

9 Hieroglyphics PAPYRUS – plant that grew by Nile River and used to
make paper

10 PYRAMIDS Tombs for the pharaoh and his family

11 Process used to mummify
EMBALMING Process used to mummify

12 Nile River- longest river in the world
Natural Environment Nile River- longest river in the world Flows South to North Two regions: Upper Egypt (South) and Lower Egypt (North)

13 What did the Egyptians call these “wild rapids”?


15 Natural Protection West- Western Desert and Sahara Desert
East- Red Sea North- Mediterranean Sea South- cataracts

16 Government/Rulers Believed that the pharaoh had come to earth to manage Egypt for the gods Government officials were hired to carry out duties- collect taxes, run temples, etc. Pharaohs often ruled as a dynasty (rulers from same family)

17 Social Structure

18 Religion Ra (Re)- sun god Isis- goddess of magic
Polytheistic- belief in many gods Egyptians were expected to worship same gods Ra (Re)- sun god Isis- goddess of magic Osiris- god of the underworld

19 Why is King Tut so famous?

20 What was the name of the Egyptians’ writing system?

21 Religion Afterlife- life after death Ka- person’s life force
Happy place: ideal world where everyone is young and healthy Ka- person’s life force When someone died the ka became a spirit, but the ka had same needs as the living person.

22 Religion Mummies- specially treated bodies wrapped in cloth
Organs kept in canopic jars (HEART stayed in body) Mummy placed in coffin(s) called a sarcophagus Only Pharaohs and the “elite” class could afford this Peasant families- buried at edge of desert (preserved bodies naturally) Religion


24 Architecture Pyramids- huge stone tombs made of limestone blocks
- Burial sites for pharaohs - Size- symbol of importance - Pointing to sky- symbolized journey to the afterlife Sphinxes- imaginary creatures with bodies of lions and heads of other animals or humans Obelisk- tall, four sided pillar that is pointed at top Architecture


26 Written Language Hieroglyphics- Egyptian writing system using picture symbols Papyrus- long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds Rosetta Stone- stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics, Greek, and later Egyptian


28 Trade Egypt became rich through trade and conquest
Traded with Kush, Punt, Asia Minor, Greece, etc. Traded gold, copper, timber, turquoise, etc.

29 OLD KINGDOM Pharaoh had absolute power Believed pharaoh was a god
Built pyramids and temples Began mummification Began to trade

30 MIDDLE KINGDOM Pharaoh’s power began to decline (go down)
Stopped building pyramids Trade decreased Nobles fought for power Hyksos invaded and ruled for 150 years Prince Ahmose ran Hyksos out of Egypt

31 NEW KINGDOM Egypt experienced GOLDEN AGE (great power and glory)
Conquered many other lands Trade increased Queen Hatshepsut ruled King Tut ruled Ramses the Great ruled & fought Hittites Cleopatra ruled Egypt lost its power and kingdom fell

32 Warm up: In which kingdom did the Golden Age occur
Warm up: In which kingdom did the Golden Age occur? Get out your Venn Diagram/question sheet from yesterday.

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