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42nd National Immunization Conference Atlanta, GA April 20, 2010

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1 42nd National Immunization Conference Atlanta, GA April 20, 2010
Integrating Electronic Information to Improve Documentation of Immunization Rates for a Low-Income, Minority Population Melissa Stockwell Karthik Natarajan, Amy Metroka, Angel Aponte, Yiye Zhang, David Vawdrey Division of General Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics Department of Population Family Health Department of Biomedical Informatics Department of Biostatistics CityWide Immunization Registry (CIR), New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene  42nd National Immunization Conference Atlanta, GA April 20, 2010 

2 Background Urban low-income, minority children are at high risk for underimmunization Fragmented records from multiple providers May also be at risk of overimmunization City or regional IIS ameliorate effect of scatter Stokley S et al 2001; Yusuf H et al 2002; Santoli JM et al 2000, Yawn BP, 1998

3 IIS Data in End User EHR Having registry data readily available in electronic health record (EHR) is important Missed opportunities/over immunizations due to incomplete records Time saving

4 EzVAC NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP) Immunization Registry, EzVAC
Point-of-service registry Over 140,000 children, adolescents and adults, 1.3 million vaccinations Linked to hospital billing system Includes all children receiving care at hospital and affiliated ambulatory clinics

5 New York Citywide Immunization Registry (CIR)
Population-based registry 4.3M individuals with 47M immunizations Load birth certificates. Mandated reporting of vaccines administered to patients ≤18 given by providers in NYC CIR captures >85% immunizations administered, 93% of Vaccines For Children (VFC) immunizations Papadouka et al. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene "Impact of Childhood Hepatitis A Vaccination: New York City". 41st National Immunization Conference (Kansas City); March 2007 Metroka AE et al 2009

6 Objective 1) To describe how a local and a city wide IIS can exchange data real time 2) To assess the impact on immunization record completeness and coverage rates of integrating data from a public IIS into a hospital information system

7 CIR-Web Service CIR recently provided secure web-services allowing immunization data to be queried from CIR Web-services allow systems to communicate outside of an organization’s firewall over the Internet Batch as well as single real time queries Opportunity to put IIS information directly into end user EHR Previously had to manually look up patient in CIR

8 CIR-Web Service Development
Investment in bi-directional integration Uses HL7 version VXQ (query) and VXU (update) messages delivered over SOAP/XMLP ~ 9 Months of requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment

9 EHR Queries Must find 1 unique match
Data combined to perform 30+ exact match database queries then 1 approximate search Ex: Last name, MRN, facility; First Name, Last Name, DOB, Gender Median response time is 2 seconds

10 Querying Webservice End users uses EzVAC to query CIR web service with patient name, DOB, local MRN Downloads immunization information and tags it with CIR as source FIREWALL CIR (John Smith, 1/1/01 MRN: 99999) John Smith’s Immunizations Missing Iz EzVac DB

11 Matching CIR returns immunization data in ~ 88% cases

12 De-Duplication Data run through de-duplication script
Considered duplicate if two vaccines given within 10 days: based on own assessment of synchronization data and IIS literature

13 De-Duplication Class level not vaccine level de-duplication
If discrepancy: preference given to EzVAC as preferred source (own data) and more specific vaccine information ie ActHib rather than Hib NOS


15 Study Setting NYP Ambulatory Care Network practice sites in Washington Heights/Inwood area of NYC Disadvantaged community Primarily Latino, publicly insured Mobile population

16 Study Population and Design
Random sample children (n=2529), visit in last 12 mths  7-23 months old (n=950) 24-36 months (n=960) Adolescents years old (n=619) Total of 32, 173 children 7-36 months and years old with visit in last 12 months Immunization record synchronized with CIR (batch query), each vaccine labeled automatically by source (EzVAC vs CIR)

17 Outcome 7-36 months: Age Appropriate up to date immunization status, according to the 4:3:1:3:3:1 series (DTaP, IPV, MMR, Hib, HepB, varicella) Hib adjusted due to shortage Adolescent immunizations: TdaP, MCV4 and first HPV

18 Analysis Assessed contribution of each source (EzVAC, CIR)
Test of two proportions: Immunization coverage rates EzVAC alone and EzVAC with CIR

19 Contribution of Source to Record

20 Change in Immunization Rates
* P < 0.05; ** P <0.01; *** P < .001; **** P < 0001

21 Summary Webservice fast, easy, allows real time synchronization
Clinicians found it very useful Significantly increased record completeness, improved documentation of coverage rates Brought documented coverage rates for young children above Healthy People 2010 goals Greatest impact for adolescent patients

22 Limitations Integration Study
Need personnel to set up synchronization by end user into EHR (took 80 estimated person hours programming time) Deduplication Trust data Study Generalizability of effect size, may have greater effect in pop at greatest risk for record scatter Did not include all age groups

23 Public Health Implications
Real time, two-way communication regarding immunizations between public and private information systems should be widely considered

24 Acknowledgements Melissa Stockwell, Medical Director
EzVAC Team Melissa Stockwell, Medical Director David Vawdrey, Informatics Director Oscar Pena, Operational Coordinator Balendu Dasgupta, Programmer Karthik Natarajan, Programmer/Data Manager Citywide Immunization Registry (CIR) Amy Metroka, Director Angel Aponte, Programmer Vikki Papadouka, Director of Research and Evaluation Jane R. Zucker, Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Immunization, New York City Department of Health)  

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