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How Contamination Happens
Contaminants come from a variety of places: Animals used for food Air, contaminated water, and dirt Chemicals used in the operation Natural contaminants (e.g., bones in fish) People Deliberately Accidentally Instructor Notes Contamination comes from a variety of places. Contaminants are found in air, water, dirt, and the animals we use for food, and they occur naturally in food, such as bones in fish. Food can be contaminated on purpose. Most food is contaminated accidently. Examples of accidental contamination include food handlers who don’t wash their hands after using the restroom and then contaminate food and surfaces with feces from their fingers, and food handlers who pass contaminants through illness. 2-4
How Contamination Happens
Contaminants come from a variety of places: Fecal–oral route of contamination Failure to wash hands after using restroom Feces on fingers gets on food Food with feces is then eaten Instructor Notes Contamination can occur through the fecal–oral route of contamination. For example, food handlers who do not wash their hands after using the restroom may contaminate food and surfaces with feces from their fingers. Once the food that the food handler touched is eaten, a foodborne illness may result. This is called the fecal–oral route of contamination. 2-5
How Contamination Happens
Contaminants come from a variety of places: Contact with a person who is sick From person to person Sneezing or vomiting onto food or food-contact surfaces Touching dirty surfaces/equipment and then touching food 2-6
Biological Contamination
The “Big Six” pathogens: Shigella spp. Salmonella Typhi Nontyphoidal Salmonella Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Hepatitis A Norovirus Instructor Notes According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are over 40 kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and molds that can occur in food and cause a foodborne illness. Of these, six have been singled out by the FDA. These have been dubbed the “Big Six” because they are highly contagious and can cause severe illness. The “Big Six” are listed on the slide. 2-7
What Do You Think? Bacteria grow best in food with which pH? A. 0 B. 7
Bacteria grow best in food that is neutral to slightly acidic. Instructor Notes The answer is B. Bacteria grow best in food that contains little or no acid. pH is the measure of acidity. The pH scale ranges from 0 to A value of 0 is highly acidic, while a value of 14 is highly alkaline. A pH of 7 is neutral. Bacteria grow best in food that is neutral to slightly acidic. 2-8
What Do You Think? At what temperatures do bacteria grow most rapidly?
A. 41ºF to 135ºF (5ºC to 57ºC) B. 70ºF to 125ºF (21ºC to 52ºC) Instructor Notes The answer is B. Bacteria grow rapidly between 41°F and 135°F (5°C and 57°C). This range is known as the temperature danger zone. Bacteria grow even more rapidly from 70°F to 125°F (21°C to 52°C). Bacteria growth is limited when food is held above or below the temperature danger zone. 2-9
Conditions for Bacteria to Grow
Moisture: Water activity (aw) = Moisture available in food for bacteria growth Aw scale ranges from 0 to 1.0 The higher the value the more available moisture Water has an aw of 1.0 Instructor Notes Bacteria grow well in food with high levels of moisture. The amount of moisture available in food for this growth is called water activity (aw). The aw scale ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the value, the more available moisture in the food. For example, water has a water activity of 1.0. 2-10
What Do You Think? Does this food need time and temperature control to keep it safe? A. Yes B. No Instructor Notes The answer is A. The cut lettuce is a TCS food. All cut leafy greens are TCS foods. Cut lettuce 2-11
Teach the Bug Activity Instructor Notes
Do the Teach the Bug activity. This activity can be downloaded from Directions for using the activity are included with it. 2-12
Who Am I? Norovirus 1. _____________________
1. _____________________ I can be transferred to food or equipment by food handlers with feces on their fingers. People become contagious within a few hours of eating me. I am often linked with ready-to-eat food. Excluding staff with diarrhea and vomiting can prevent me from causing further illness. 2-13
Who Am I? Salmonella Typhi 2. ________________________
2. ________________________ I live in a person’s bloodstream and intestines. I am commonly linked with ready-to-eat food and beverages. I am in a person’s feces for weeks after symptoms have ended. Washing hands and cooking food to required minimum internal temperatures can prevent me. I only live in humans. Salmonella Typhi 2-14
Who Am I? Shigella spp. 3. _____________________
3. _____________________ I am found in the feces of people I have infected. Flies can transfer me. I am linked with food easily contaminated by hands. Washing hands can prevent me. Shigella spp. 2-15
Who Am I? Hepatitis A 4. _____________________
4. _____________________ I am often linked with ready-to-eat food. I’m often transferred to food by food handlers who have feces on their fingers. Excluding staff with jaundice can prevent me from causing illness. Normal cooking temperatures do not destroy me. I may not show symptoms for weeks but may still be infectious. Hepatitis A 2-16
Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
Who Am I? 5. _____________________________________________ I can be found in the intestines of cattle. I produce toxins in a person’s intestines, which cause illness. I am found in raw ground beef and contaminated produce. Cooking ground beef to required minimum internal temperatures can prevent me. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli 2-17
Nontyphoidal Salmonella
Who Am I? 6. ___________________________________ Many farm animals carry me naturally. The severity of a person’s symptoms depends on how much of me is eaten. I’ve been found in tomatoes, peppers, and cantaloupes. Cooking poultry or eggs to the right temperature can prevent me from causing illness. Nontyphoidal Salmonella 2-18
Who Am I? Histamine 7. _____________________ I am a seafood toxin.
7. _____________________ I am a seafood toxin. I am produced by pathogens found on certain fish. You can find me on tuna, bonito, and mahi-mahi. I am produced when fish is time-temperature abused. Histamine 2-19
Who Am I? Ciguatera toxin 8. _____________________
8. _____________________ I am a seafood toxin. I occur in certain fish that eat smaller fish that have consumed the toxin. You can find me in barracuda, snapper, grouper, and amberjack. Ciguatera toxin 2-20
What Do You Think? What is the onset time for an illness from a biological toxin? A. Within a few minutes B. Within a few hours C. 6–12 hours D. 24 hours Instructor Notes The answer is A. Many types of illnesses can occur from eating seafood toxins. Each of these has specific symptoms and onset times. In general, however, people will experience an illness within minutes of eating the toxin. 2-21
What Do You Think? What symptoms are associated with a biological toxin? A. Vomiting and diarrhea B. Neurological symptoms C. Flushing, hives, and difficulty breathing D. Heart palpitations Instructor Notes The answer is all of them. Many types of illnesses can occur from eating seafood toxins. Each of these has specific symptoms and onset times. In general, however, people will experience an illness within minutes of eating the toxin. Depending upon the illness, symptoms can include diarrhea or vomiting. Neurological symptoms may also appear, such as tingling in the extremities and the reversal of hot and cold sensations. People may also experience flushing of the face, difficulty breathing, burning in the mouth, heart palpitations, and hives. 2-22
Chemical Contaminants
To prevent chemicals from contaminating food: Make sure the manufacturer’s labels on original chemical containers are readable Follow directions and local regulatory requirements when throwing out chemicals Use chemicals for their intended use Separate chemicals from food and food-contact surfaces by spacing and partitioning Instructor Notes The chemicals you use must be approved for use in a foodservice operation. They must also be necessary for the maintenance of the facility. In addition to the guidelines shown in the video, the slide shows additional measures to prevent chemicals from contaminating food. 2-23
Physical Contaminants
Symptoms: Cuts Dental damage Choking Bleeding and pain To prevent contamination: Purchase food from approved, reputable suppliers Inspect food upon receipt Practice good personal hygiene Instructor Notes Mild to fatal injuries are possible. This could include cuts, dental damage, and choking. Bleeding and pain may be the most outward symptoms. Purchase food from approved, reputable suppliers to prevent physical contamination. Closely inspect the food you receive. Take steps to make sure no physical contaminants can get into it. This includes making sure that food handlers practice good personal hygiene. 2-24
Deliberate Contamination of Food
Groups who may attempt to contaminate food: Terrorists or activists Disgruntled current or former staff Vendors Competitors FDA defense tool: A.L.E.R.T. Instructor Notes So far, you have learned about methods to prevent the accidental contamination of food. But you also must take steps to stop people who are actually trying to contaminate it. This may include the groups listed on the slide. These people may try to tamper with your food using biological, chemical, or physical contaminants. They may even use radioactive materials. Attacks might occur anywhere in the food supply chain. But they are usually focused on a specific food item, process, or business. The best way to protect food is to make it as difficult as possible for someone to tamper with it. For this reason, a food defense program should deal with the points in your operation where food is at risk. The FDA has created a tool that can be used to develop a food defense program. It is based on the acronym A.L.E.R.T. It can be used to help you identify the points in your operation where food is at risk. 2-25
Deliberate Contamination of Food
Assure Make sure products received are from safe sources. Look Monitor the security of products in the facility. Employees Know who is in your facility. Reports Keep information related to food defense accessible. Threat Develop a plan for responding to suspicious activity or a threat to the operation. Instructor Notes Assure: Make sure that products you receive are from safe sources. Supervise product deliveries. Use approved suppliers who practice food defense. Request that delivery vehicles are locked or sealed. Look: Monitor the security of products in the facility. Limit access to prep and storage areas. Locking storage areas is one way to do this. Create a system for handling damaged products. Store chemicals in a secure location. Train staff to spot food defense threats. Employees: Know who is in your facility. Limit access to prep and storage areas. Identify all visitors, and verify credentials. Conduct background checks on staff. Reports: Keep information related to food defense accessible: receiving logs, office files and documents, staff files, and random food defense self-inspections. Threat: Identify what you will do and whom you will contact if there is suspicious activity or a threat at your operation. Hold any product you suspect to be contaminated. Contact your regulatory authority immediately. Maintain an emergency contact list. 2-26
Responding to a Foodborne-Illness Outbreak
Gather information Ask the person for general contact information Ask the person to identify the food eaten Ask for a description of symptoms Ask when the person first got sick Notify authorities Contact the local regulatory authority if an outbreak is suspected Instructor Notes Ask the person making the complaint for general contact information and to identify the food that was eaten. Also ask for a description of symptoms and when the person first got sick. Contact the local regulatory authority if you suspect an outbreak. 2-27
Responding to a Foodborne-Illness Outbreak
Segregate product Set the suspected product aside if any remains Include a label with “Do Not Use” and “Do Not Discard” on it Document the information Log information about the suspected product Include a product description, product date, lot number, sell-by date, and pack size Instructor Notes Set the suspected product aside if any remains. Include a label with “Do Not Use” and “Do Not Discard” on it, as shown in the photo on the slide. Log information about the suspected product. This might include a product description, production date, and lot number. The sell-by date and pack size should also be recorded. 2-28
Responding to a Foodborne-Illness Outbreak
Identify staff Keep a list of food handlers scheduled during the incident Interview staff immediately Cooperate with authorities Provide appropriate documentation Review procedures Determine if standards are being met Identify if standards are not working Instructor Notes Maintain a list of food handlers scheduled at the time of the suspected contamination. These staff members may be subject to an interview and sampling by investigators. They should also be interviewed immediately by management about their health status. Cooperate with regulatory authorities in the investigation. Provide appropriate documentation. You may be asked to provide temperature logs, HACCP documents, staff files, etc. Review food-handling procedures to identify if standards are not being met or procedures are not working. 2-29
Food Allergens A food allergen is a protein in a food or ingredient to which some people are sensitive. These proteins occur naturally When enough are eaten, an allergic reaction can occur The immune system mistakenly considers the protein harmful The immune system attacks the food protein Instructor Notes A food allergen is a protein in a food or ingredient that some people are sensitive to. These proteins occur naturally. When enough of an allergen is eaten, an allergic reaction can occur. This is when the immune system mistakenly considers the allergen to be harmful and attacks the food protein. 2-30
Food Allergens Allergic reaction Initially, symptoms may be mild
In severe cases, death can occur Anaphylaxis—a severe allergic reaction— can occur Anaphylaxis can lead to death Call the emergency number when this occurs Instructor Notes There are specific signs that a customer is having an allergic reaction. To protect your customers, you should be able to recognize these signs and know what to do. You also should know the types of food that most often cause allergic reactions to help prevent them from happening. 2-31
Food Allergens Food labels
“Big Eight” allergens must be clearly identified on labels of manufactured food by one of these methods: Including it in the common name of the food Showing it in parentheses after the ingredient Showing it in a “contains” statement Instructor Notes Food labels are an important tool used to identify allergens in the products that you purchase. Federal law requires manufactured products containing one or more of the “Big Eight” allergens to clearly identify them on the ingredient label. The allergen may be included in the common name of the food, such as “buttermilk,” or it may be shown in parentheses after the ingredient. Often, allergens will be shown in a “contains” statement . 2-32
Food Allergens Service staff should help prevent allergic reactions by: Describing dishes Tell customers how the item is prepared Identifying ingredients Tell customers if the food they are allergic to is in the item Identify secret ingredients Suggesting items Suggest items that do not contain the allergen Instructor Notes Your staff should be able to tell customers about menu items that contain potential allergens. At minimum, have one person available per shift to answer customers’ questions about menu items. When customers say they have a food allergy, your staff should take it seriously. Tell customers how the item is prepared. Sauces, marinades, and garnishes often contain allergens. For example, peanut butter is sometimes used as a thickener in sauces or marinades. This information is critical to a customer with a peanut allergy. Tell customers if the food they are allergic to is in the menu item. Identify any “secret” ingredients. For example, your operation may have a house specialty that includes an allergen. Suggest menu items that do not contain the food that the customer is allergic to. 2-33
Food Allergens Service staff should help prevent allergic reactions by: Identifying the allergen special order Clearly mark the order This is done to inform kitchen staff of the allergy Delivering food Confirm order with kitchen staff Make sure no allergens touch the plate Hand deliver food separately from other food Instructor Notes Clearly mark or otherwise indicate the order for the guest with the identified food allergy. This is done to inform the kitchen staff of the guest’s food allergy. Confirm the allergen special order with the kitchen staff when picking up the food. Make sure no garnishes or other items containing the allergen touch the plate. Food should be hand delivered to guests with allergies. Delivering food separately from the other food delivered to a table will help prevent contact with food allergens. 2-34
Food Allergens Kitchen staff can avoid cross-contact by:
Checking recipes and ingredient labels to confirm allergens are not present Making sure the allergen does not touch anything for customers with food allergies Includes food, beverages, utensils, and equipment Using separate fryers and cooking oils when frying food for customers with food allergies Labeling food packaged on-site for retail sale Name all major allergens on the label and follow any additional labeling requirements Instructor Notes In addition to the guidelines identified in the video, kitchen staff can prevent cross-contact by following the information presented in the slide. 2-35
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