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2 Results-Oriented Management & Accountability
What is ROMA? Results-Oriented Management & Accountability An accountability process used to report outcomes achieved A conceptual framework for measuring the results of programs and services A continuous process of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of results

3 Can Help Your Agency See Results and Grow!
Why use ROMA? It’s a Federal Requirement It’s a State Requirement And it’s a Best Practice Tool! Can Help Your Agency See Results and Grow!

4 ROMA Cycle

5 ROMA Cycle in Practice Agencies use the ROMA Cycle as a guiding process to determine what services/programs to offer and whether they are effective. With a strong mission statement and Community Needs Assessment, agencies determine what the community’s needs are and what services to offer. They plan the implementation of these services through a short term Community Action Plan and a long term strategic plan.

6 What are Results? Results are also called outcomes
Outcomes are different from just providing a single service (also known as an output), although providing a service is necessary to achieving an outcome. For example, giving a client emergency food supplies is providing a service. However, the outcome is reduced hunger. Often many services might be required to achieve one outcome

7 Outcome vs Output Outcome = result or change in a client
Output = service

8 Community Action has National Goals
Community action is expected to work on improving both family status and community conditions. Families with low incomes move toward self sufficiency. Conditions in low income communities are improved. The agencies have to be well run to do this: Agencies improve capacity to achieve results.

9 Why Should I Care? You play an important role in the ROMA cycle!
You are a part of the Implementation and Achievement of Results! Remember that while you might be providing a service, you are also helping the client to achieve an outcome or result, such as increased self-sufficiency


11 Outputs vs. Outcomes Training Exercise

12 Instructions: The statements on the next slides contain outcomes and outputs for various activities. You must correctly identify each to move on to the next slide. If you have questions or difficulty please get with your instructor.

13 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program
Outreach and Recruitment Enrolls in an Adult Basic Education Program Attends ABE classes Completes ABE Classes Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

14 Correct!!! These are Outputs because they are services that will help a client reach the desired Outcome of increased adult basic education knowledge.

15 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program
Achieves competency in basic math, reading and writing skills Receives certificate or diploma Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

16 Correct!!! These are Outcomes because they reflect a change that has occurred in the client’s knowledge of adult basic education.

17 Employment Program Outreach and Recruitment
Enrolls in employability counseling Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

18 Correct!!! These both Outputs because they are services that will lead a person to the desired Outcome of getting a job.

19 Employment Program Completes apprenticeship and masters a new skill
Offered employment after a successful interview Obtained full-time employment Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

20 Correct!!! These are Outcomes because they reflect the change that has occurred in the client’s life.

21 Employment Program Obtained part-time employment
Maintained employment for 90 days Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

22 Correct!!! These are Outcomes because they describe a change that has been achieved in a client’s life

23 Emergency Assistance Obtained a bag of food
Obtained one month emergency rent payment Received check for utility bill Received a referral to childcare Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

24 Correct!!! These are Outputs because they are all services, they do not describe a change in the client’s life.

25 Emergency Assistance Alleviated hunger Able to stay in an apartment
Prevented homelessness Electric service not shut off Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

26 Correct!!! These are Outcomes. They are not services. They are a change in the client’s life as a result of a service provided.

27 Weatherization Electric utilization, kkw decreased by 10%
Gas consumption ccf, decreased by 10% Arrearages eliminated Energy expenditures reduced Value of house rises Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

28 Correct!!! These are all Outcomes because they describe a change that occurred in the client’s life.

29 Weatherization New furnace installed in home Homes insulated to R-18
Kitchen appliances repaired or replaced New thermostat installed Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

30 Correct!!! These are Outputs because they are services provided to the client that will lead to the Outcome of reduced energy costs.

31 Conflict Management Program
Youths are involved in fewer conflicts Youth displays greater tolerance of differing points of view Youth reports more willingness to have friends with backgrounds different from theirs. Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

32 Correct!!! These are all Outcomes because they describe a change in the youth’s behavior.

33 Conflict Management Program
Discussion sessions explore experiences with stereotyping, cultural differences Youth practice communication and negotiation skills Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

34 Correct!!! These are Outputs because they are examples of services provided by the Conflict Management Program.

35 After School Program Fifteen (15) at-risk children attend after school sessions Activities are designed to encourage cooperative play Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

36 Correct!!! These are both Outputs because they are services being provided.

37 After School Program Children master new activities
Children’s social skills improve Children make more positive use of free time outside the program. Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

38 Correct!!! These are Outcomes because it demonstrates a change in the client’s life.

39 Parent Education Program
Parents from 10 families attend workshops Six group workshops are conducted Parents participate in role plays and group discussions Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

40 Correct!!! These are all Outputs because they are services provided to parents.

41 Parent Education Program
Parents’ understanding of children’s developmental issues increases Parents provide more age-appropriate guidance to children Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

42 Correct!!! These are both Outcomes because they describe a change that has occurred in the parent’s behavior and understanding.

43 Tutoring Program Twenty (20) children in grades 4th through 8th are matched with high school tutors Children receive one-on-one help in reading and math Tutors emphasize the importance of education. Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

44 Correct!!! These are Outputs because they are services provided to children.

45 Tutoring Program Children’s academic performance increases
Children indicate increased belief in their abilities to learn new subjects. Are these statements: Outcomes Outputs

46 Correct!!! These are Outcomes because they describe a change the children’s performance and beliefs.

47 Congratulations!!!! You have successfully completed the ROMA in a Nutshell Training Activity – Outcomes and Outputs. Good Job!!! Materials and Information adapted from the National Peer-to-Peer ROMA Training and Certification Project

48 Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc.
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