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Pathways to Success Evening

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1 Pathways to Success Evening
A-level Pathways to Success Evening Medicine

2 Considering a career in Medicine?
Rationale 2. Proposed Structure 3. Consultation process and timeline Considering a career in Medicine? Grades Required: Medicine is a very competitive discipline, requiring high grades particularly in science subjects as well as a high standard of English. Three full A-levels, or equivalent, is the minimum requirement. Chemistry is nearly always essential and biology is often a specific requirement Academic ability is not the only requirement. Commitment, perseverance, initiative, originality, personal integrity, concern for others, and the ability to communicate are all essential. 

3 Considering a career in Medicine?
Application Process: You can apply to any medical course that interests you, up to a maximum of four, but the requirements at each medical school do vary so you will need to look at these before applying.  A consolidated view of the requirements for each medical school can be accessed from many sources including the UCAS website and directly from the medical school’s website. The majority of medical schools will require you to complete an admissions test, for example the BMAT or UKCAT, and it would be useful for you to do some research on this before you apply. Once you have decided on where you would like to apply, you will need to complete your application through UCAS. Carr Hill Sixth Form Centre have dedicated staff who can support you throughout this process.

4 Considering a career in Medicine?
Choosing your course: When choosing where to study medicine, there are a number of things you will need to consider before making your final decision. These include: location and UCAS Entry Profiles (which covers facilities, entry routes, fees, financial support and more)  You should also do some research into the course structure. Some schools follow a more traditional method, whereas some use other more contemporary teaching methods. You will be able to find more information on each medical school's website or in the school's prospectus

5 Considering a career in Medicine?
Work Experience : Applicants should demonstrate some understanding of what a career in medicine involves and their understanding of, and suitability for, a caring profession. Applicants may draw on relevant work experience, either paid or voluntary, in health or related areas, to demonstrate this understanding.  Medical schools recognise that practical experience in hospices and residential homes, or domestic caring responsibilities, is equally appropriate as work in a conventional healthcare setting such as a hospital or GP surgery. More important than the experience itself is the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the relevant skills and attributes the profession requires by reflecting upon and drawing on any experience you may have.  Volunteering websites and the NHS are a good place to start when looking to build up experience. Carr Hill Sixth Form Centre offers a work experience programme placing students with employers related to their industry of choice.

6 Career Preparation Programme
As part of the Medicine Preparation programme as a student at Carr Hill Sixth, you will benefit from: The sixth form will arrange work experience in a suitable setting. The sixth form will arrange for me to work with existing medicine students and they will become your mentor. The sixth form will arrange regular university visits to take part in workshops and to meet tutors. The sixth form will help me prepare a portfolio of experience to help you secure a university place. The sixth form will help you prepare for university Interviews.

7 Considering a career in Medicine?
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