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Renewal of the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition Identity Leaders July 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewal of the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition Identity Leaders July 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewal of the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition
Identity Leaders July 2016

2 Renewal Processes Charter Renewal Process 1 – The Gift of the Charter
Charter Renewal Process 2 – Our Charter Stories Charter Renewal Process 3 – The Signs of the Times Lunch Charter Renewal Process 4 – The Wisdom from Our Faith Tradition Charter Renewal Process 5 – The Key Recommendations -Wave analysis Afternoon Tea Launch of J and P Framework Hospitality

3 The Gift of the Charter Part 1 – Guided Mediation on the Charter
Focus on the Images and Symbols in our Charter What image or symbol stood out for you and share this image with your group. Focus on the Headings in our Charter What Heading stood out for you and share this Heading with your group. Focus on the Words in our Charter What are the key words and phrases that stood out for you and share these with your group.

4 The Gift of the Charter Part 2 – Responses – from our Mediation on our Charter Reflective How is our Charter affirming your Edmund Rice place? How is our Charter challenging your Edmund Rice place? Interpretive What difference has our Charter made in your Edmund Rice place? Decisional What has been the best way our Charter has inspired your Edmund Rice place in the last 5 years? (Share this last response at your table and write the 2 best examples on A4 paper to be collected)

5 Reflecting on the Process
What did we do? What did you like/dislike? What groups do you think you could use this process with? What else might you do instead? What else do you need to know to try this process?

6 Our Charter Stories Take time to think of a story from your Edmund Rice place that was inspired by the Charter. Pairs – Find someone you haven’t don’t know that well and share your story. Decide as a pair which story is most inspirational Charter story. Fours – each pair join with another pair and share their most inspirational Charter story. As a four decide which story is again most inspirational. Eights – each four will join with another four and share the two inspirational stories. Again decide which story the most inspirational Charter story. These will be shared with the full group. Of the Charter inspiration stories which one should be shared with the EREA Board and Council to highlight the value of our Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Traditions

7 Reflecting on the Process
What did we do? What did you find most/least engaging? What groups do you think you could use this process with? What else might you do instead? What else do you need to know to try this process?

8 The Signs of the Times Stimulus – Naomi Klein

9 The Signs of the Times Historical Scan – Data Gathering
Using the scan worksheet collect the major events that have been an influence or occurred in your ER Place, EREA as an organization, Education generally, Catholic Church, Australia, the World. Share with your table and decide the major influence/event for each space. Write these on individual A4 sheets and place up on the wall.

10 Signs of the Times Historical Scan – Reflection on the Data Wall
Reflective What event/influence excites you? What event/influence concerns you? Interpretive What are the movements occurring in each area? As an ER school we are moving from ?? to ?? What needs of our world have been highlighted in these movements at each level? Decisional What are the key signs of the times and needs of our world that need to be reflected in the renewed Charter at this time? Discuss and each table will name two that will be collated on our white board?

11 Reflecting on the Process
What did we do? What was your gut reaction to this process? What groups do you think you could use this process with? What else might you do instead? What else do you need to know to try this process?

12 Wisdom from Our Faith Tradition
Theological Reflection – Choose one of the following stations around the room Scripture – 3 stations Recent Encyclicals Joy of the Gospel Laudato Si Joy of Love Women and Men of Faith – 3 stations Directions of the Christian Brothers – recent Chapters and Our Way into the Future Thinkers from our Faith Tradition

13 Wisdom from Our Faith Tradition
Theological Reflection Part 1 Become centered and invite the Mystery we call God to be part of our reflection process Prayer Read/view the material silently Each person then selects a part to read to the others in the group and listen prayerfully to what what you are hearing. Sit silently and be present to what you have heard.

14 Jesus, Brother May I know your Love And make it known

15 Wisdom from Our Faith Tradition
Theological Reflection Part 2 In your small group after a time of silence share What touched your heart? What is this asking of me in my leadership role at this time? What is this wisdom asking of the Charter at this time? (Please write this on our A4 sheet for collection.) Prayer together.

16 Reflecting on the Process
What did we do? What was engaged to the most/least in this process? What groups do you think you could use this process with? What else might you do instead? What else do you need to know to try this process?

17 Our Transformation and Way Forward
Wave Analysis - Brainstorm Dying Practices – the things that are no longer relevant Established Norms – the things that need to be retained Emerging Trends – the areas that are emerging as part of of practices and inspirations Edge Ideas – the areas that will inspire us to move beyond and into the future

18 Our Transformation and Way Forward
Wave Analysis – Data Gathering Share your brainstorm ideas as a group and collect the two best ideas for each heading of the wave. Write these in Big Letters on A4 paper Place under the heading areas on our wall

19 Our Transformation and Way Forward
Wave Analysis – Reflection Reflective What feelings does this wave of information evoke in you? (Mad, Glad, Scared, Sad) Interpretive Looking at the wave what would you say this group of leaders are hoping for in our renewed Charter? Decisional What of the Emerging Trends and Edge Ideas need to be animated in our renewed Charter? (you have two votes please place a tick on your two areas)

20 Reflecting on the Process
What did we do? Using your whole body make a statement without any words or sounds about what you felt about this process? What groups do you think you could use this process with? What else might you do instead? What else do you need to know to try this process?

21 Enjoy

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