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Creating a Diverse Local Institute

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1 Creating a Diverse Local Institute
Diversity Champions Produced July 2017 v2

2 Learning Objectives To make you aware of Diversity and Inclusion, your responsibilities as a Council member and a member of the CII and what the benefits are to your institute This training and awareness session has been produced by the CII and the Diversity Champions. Qualifies for CPD points

3 Your Local Institute Everyone should be treated fairly
The Local Institute should be accessible to all members, guests and be inclusive Local Institutes should be ethical and professional in everything they do Minimising the risk of a discrimination claim First slide setting out our objectives of this presentation. What sort of local institute you are looking to achieve? For Diversity think differences. Look for abilities and skills that you need on your council Look to remove perceived barriers to membership. Attract members from diverse backgrounds. Attract members of all age groups for example. Positive action required. All get along with each other – better team work and better productivity – more fun. You are volunteering for this job! CII produces a Code of Ethics. Have you seen it/read it?

4 Your Local Institute Diversity Policy
Raise awareness of diversity/discrimination issues Provide a guide to ensure that discrimination does not occur Should be monitored regularly to ensure compliance No one sets out to discriminate. Discrimination is accidental. The role of the Local Institute Diversity Officer is to raise awareness and ensure discrimination does not occur. Do read your own Diversity policy on your own web site.

5 Benefits for your Institute
Greater involvement from a wider pool of people Ability to appeal to a great number of people New ideas More interesting CPD and other events Maintaining engagement Look at your own membership. You have membership details downloaded to you every month. New members joining your institute – do you make them welcome? Do you contact them – or phone? Look at your own membership. Age range / male and female. Does your council represent your membership. New people bring new ideas. Lead to new or different CPD and other events. What % of your members attends your events? How do you elect Council members - same crowd as last year? Adopt the best practice in terms of ethics and professionalism. Also applies to your workplace. Compliance with FCA. Knock on effect of making Insurance and Financial Services industry better able to understand the needs of a wider range of customers.

6 Local Institute Discrimination Responsibilities
Local Institutes are responsible for the discriminatory behaviour of any person at events: Council members Speakers Comedians Presenters Employees There may be some ability, in certain situations, to seek assistance from the CII where the situation is covered by the CII’s insurance policy Do you use the CII Speaker guidelines – sending a copy to all speakers? You have a much better chance of being a successful Council if you are a diverse Council. Does your council have the same people year after year? Your presidents responsibility to build a strong team. Build a team that reflects your database of members. Only then will you know what to offer your members. Training – do you have training for new council members. Do you include Diversity? Have you though of ‘lunch and learn’ meeting with new members to Council.

7 Prevent discrimination
Aware of protected characteristics Requirement to make reasonable adjustments and access arrangements Awareness of unconscious bias Benefits of undertaking Events checklist Open communication and consultation Diversity Policy The CII has produced a ‘toolkit’ on Network KnowHow for your Diversity Officer and Council members. Do make yourself aware of the protected characteristics. See next slide.

8 The Equality Act 2010 Protected Characteristics
Age Disability Race Religion and Belief Sex Sexual Orientation Transgender Pregnancy & Maternity Marriage and Civil Partnerships AGE: Young and old. 42 yr old successfully sued as he was sacked as an investment banker because his employer wanted someone younger. DISABILITY: Not just people in wheelchairs (10% of disabled people). Approx 20% of population - as defined by the Act. GENDER REASSIGNMENT: Covers all stages of the process. Est that 1% of are transgender. Look at that statistic against your total membership. Male to female transgender case won against the police who refused to employ her – on grounds of body searching suspects. Paddy Power case – Advert covering Ladies’ day at Ascot. Asked viewers to determine “stallion or mare” and focussed on clips of transgender people. Advert banned by ASA. MARRIAGE: About ensuring civil partnership is treated the same way as marriage. PREGNANCY & MATERNITY: less than 12 months. Female policewoman who was a dog handler had her dog taken away whilst she was pregnant so it could be redeployed. Won claim as it would affect her ability to go back to her job after maternity leave. PTO… RACE: Not just black and white. Not always visible – gypsy travellers Nationality – white English male in Scotland RELIGION: Many religions, different denominations and sects, different customs. Tesco won case against Mr Ahmed who was a forklift truck driver who refused to handle alcohol. Tesco won case as he had not previously raised objections when he applied for the job and had been told in his interview about handling alcohol. Man won discrimination case for being discriminated against by Jehovah's Witnesses in his workplace for non-belief. Belief – vegetarianism Belief must affect your way of living and be in the public domain. Cases on foxhunting and climate change Foxhunting –Clarissa Dickson case SEX: Quotas for females on a board. Positive discrimination currently illegal in most instances. Birmingham City Council female employees in traditionally female roles have won equal pay claim for £757m. Can work for men. A fireman won a case against Cleveland Fire Authority when he was disciplined for having long hair. Female officers allowed long hair in a pony tail. SEXUAL ORIENTATION : A heterosexual woman won a case as she was made redundant from a mainly gay male bar with predominantly gay male staff. Consultation works: Scotland Yard creating a hybrid helmet based on traditional helmet and turban for Sikh officers.

9 What is a disability? A condition that lasts or is likely to last more than one year A condition that affects day to day activities Conditions include asthma, dyslexia and many others Prospect that obesity (where day by day activities are affected) will classed as a disability

10 What is a belief? Beliefs can be non-religious
A belief must be in the public domain A person claiming to have a belief must be able to demonstrate that it is sincere and is genuinely held A belief must be compatible with human dignity and should not affect the rights of others

11 EXAMINATIONS – Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
There is a requirement under the Equality Act to make “reasonable adjustments” to create a level playing field for people with a disability Although other protected characteristics are not covered by the “reasonable adjustments” requirements, the Equality Act requires equivalent adjustments to be made Compliance with Ofqual – Exam regulator for CII examinations. Create a level playing field Maintain integrity of examinations Training for Education committee and officers involved with examinations. Training for invigilators Even if you do not provide an examination centre, your council is involved in the examination process. An example - JAWS software – Computer software that can be bought and downloaded onto PC/Laptop . Converts text to speech. Used in schools. May have request for Prayer rooms Breaks for breastfeeding Bi-lingual dictionary Extra time to complete examination.

12 Unconscious bias Everyone makes assumptions about others subconsciously There should be awareness of unconscious bias Question your own assumptions Try to think of issues from other people’s perspectives We are all bias. Example: walking through your local shopping centre and coming towards you is a group of young hoodies and on the other side of the road is a group of businessmen in suits, on their phones. Which side of the road do you use? Be aware of your own and others biased. Try to think of issues from other peoples prospective.

13 Events checklists We have developed a checklist to replace the freeform EIA for ensuring events are inclusive. Easier to follow and understand One checklist for all events. Review the questions that relate to your event All on one A4 sheet of paper The checklist is used to enable you to review your policies and procedures, and also events CPD and social against each of the protected characteristics to prevent discrimination. Keep your completed forms safe. Diversity Officers should hold then on paper or electronically. Follow this through and you will be encouraging inclusiveness.

14 Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs)
Use for activities, policies and practices where there is no checklist Preventing potential discrimination before it arises Providing evidence that an organization has discrimination prevention systems should a discrimination claim occur Raising awareness of diversity issues Encouraging inclusiveness This form is used to enable you to review your policies, activities and procedures against each of the protected characteristics to prevent discrimination. These are not required if a checklist already exists, for instance the events checklist for all events Keep your completed forms safe. Diversity Officers should hold then on paper or electronically. Follow this through and you will be encouraging inclusiveness.

15 Open communication and consultation
Do not assume that you understand the needs of a protected characteristic which you do not have Where a person requests an adjustment or raises an issue, discuss their needs with them Open up lines of communication i.e. ask people to let you know of any special requirements on event invitations Be flexible And finally a few thoughts on communication and consultation.

16 Any Questions? For more information read “Equality and Diversity” A CII guide available from the CII website Should you have any questions please raise them with your own institute Diversity Officer, and they can seek answers for you from their Divesity Champion or the CII. Produced July 2017 v2

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