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Blue development and economic resilience

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1 Blue development and economic resilience
ESPON Open Seminar 2014 “Opportunities and threats for territorial cohesion: Blue Growth and Urban Poverty” Workshop 2 – Inclusive Development Blue development and economic resilience Adrian Healy

2 Inclusive Growth Inclusive growth means:
raising Europe’s employment rate – more and better jobs, especially for women, young people and older workers helping people of all ages anticipate and manage change through investment in skills & training modernising labour markets and welfare systems ensuring the benefits of growth reach all parts of the EU

3 Three questions What are main territorial trends or observations from your project in relation to inclusive development of the blue economy? What opportunities and challenges exist for Europe and its regions according to your project findings for increasing competitiveness through inclusive growth of the blue economy? Which additional evidence is needed for policy makers to better cater for inclusive growth in the context of the blue economy?

4 Resilience of Coastal Regions
Overall, coastal areas appear less resilient A statistical effect. Reality is more mixed. More coastal regions in states more affected by crisis Examples of highly resilient coastal areas Examples of less resilient coastal areas

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