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Ideals of American Democracy

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1 Chapter 1: Foundations of Government Section 3: Democracy in the United States (pg.20-25)

2 Ideals of American Democracy
An ideal is a conception of something in its most perfect form Liberty—or the ability of a people to act and think as they choose, as long as their choices do not harm the liberty or well-being of others. What are some freedoms that we have as Americans? (pg. 21)

3 The Ideal of Equality Equality—the principle that all people possess a fundamental, moral worth that entitles them to fair treatment under the law and equal opportunity in all aspects of life—political, social, and economic. How did the U.S. improve equality in 1868, 1920, 1924, & 1971?

4 The Ideal of Self-Government
This is the belief that ordinary people could aspire to rule themselves and do so as equals. People are the ultimate source of the government’s authority. The people have the right to revolution

5 Principles of American Democracy
Worth of the Individual-we place high value on individual freedom personal responsibility, self reliance, and individual achievement. The founders put it this way, that citizens are born with the rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

6 The Principle of Rule of Law
The United States is a nation of laws. Not only do the people have to obey the laws, the government has to as well. The rule of law forces leaders to act according to the law and holds them accountable when they do not. Can you think of a time that our leaders have been held accountable?

7 The Principle of Majority Rule, Minority Rights
Majority—or over 50% Plurality—or just getting more votes than the other candidates. The founders didn’t want any group to get to much power, this is why we have strong individual rights. Therefore, in a liberal democracy (like the US) liberties of all people including minority groups are protected.

8 The Principles of Compromise & Citizen Participation
Compromise is when opposing groups give up some of their demands and come up with an agreement. To have a successful government citizens must get involved. Can you name some ways you can participate? (pg.23)

9 Free Enterprise Economic freedom is just as import to Americans as speech, press, and religion. Free enterprise allows for people and businesses to make their own economic choices about how to produce, distribute and exchange goods and services with limited interference from the government. It also protects your property.

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