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Goal 2 Objectives 2.01 Identify the structure and function of the neuron Identify, describe, and explain the organization of the nervous system.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 2 Objectives 2.01 Identify the structure and function of the neuron Identify, describe, and explain the organization of the nervous system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Tracking our Progress Complete the first two question on your goal 2 tracker.

2 Goal 2 Objectives 2.01 Identify the structure and function of the neuron. 2.02 Identify, describe, and explain the organization of the nervous system. 2.04 Differentiate among the technologies and clinical methods for studying the brain. 2.05 Compare and contrast the specialized functions of the brain's hemispheres. 2.06 Describe the structure and function of the endocrine system. 2.07 Assess how heredity interacts with environment to influence behavior.

3 Completing the Tracker
2.01 2.02 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07

4 After you have completed your tracker…
After you have completed your tracker….create a folder and put your tracking data and test sheet in the folder… Next Unit: Sensation and Perception Warm Up: How do we understand the world around us? Which sense is the most important? Why?

5 Introduction to Stimulation and Perception
Sensation is the stimulation of sensory receptors and the transmission of information to the Central Nervous System Perception is the interpretation of the sensory stimulation

6 Perception Mona Lisa What do we see? What are the largest images?
How do we know that the woman is not actually bigger than the road or the mountains in the background?

7 Stimulation of Senses Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold
Signal-Detection Theory Sensory Adaptation Using the pgs investigate these different types of stimulation and complete the following matrix in your chart.

8 Stimulation Concept Description Examples Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold Signal-Detection Theory Sensory Adaptation

9 Independent Practice Answer the following question in a one paragraph response. Be sure to answer the question and provide examples! How do sensation and perception affect people’s understanding of their environment?

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