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Welcome and Reminders (8/2/16)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome and Reminders (8/2/16)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome and Reminders (8/2/16)
We will be seated in alphabetical order by 1st name, so don’t unpack. Reminders Thinking Outside/Inside the Box – due Friday Pre-Course Reading Book should be read by Monday 8/8 Completed chart should be with you in class Monday 8/8 Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy is OK) by Monday, 8/22 Be sure you have (I couldn’t upload PPT to blog – should have this fixed by today): Completed the Student Survey online Signed up for the Edmodo class Signed up for the Remind messages

2 Classroom Expectations/Policies
Handout Student Survey – complete tonight – use the QR code to link to it (probably have to do it at home with Google issues on BYOD) OR use the following link: Edmodo Class – sign up for it tonight – join codes are below; if you do not have an account, sign up for a free one as a student. 1st Block: 8rts7c 2nd Block: a6qvu9 3rd Block: ebsm8x Remind – sign up for these tonight – to the number

3 Writing: Precision- Basic Example
The exchange students were able to view, but not handle, the fragile artifacts of the archaeological site. no change weak decrepit sickly


5 Recap of Article: What is Cultural Identity?
Kahoot Quiz Small Group discussion w/Spruill (station rotation)

6 Station Work You will rotate through 3 stations. (approx. 15 minutes each) “What is Cultural Identity” discussion (w/Spruill) Expectations Getting to know your classmates Carefully read the directions for each station’s assignment.

7 Writing an Objective Summary

8 Writing an Objective Summary
Writing an objective summary involves recording the main ideas of a text while showing your understanding of the topic. Objective means: No opinions No reactions No personal connections Just the facts!

9 What is an objective summary?
A good objective summary: Focuses on the main idea and only the details that support it Brief Accurate Objective

10 What to Avoid in an Objective Summary
Do not copy any part of the original source. Is not long and detailed Does not include any opinions or reactions Minor details

11 What should a complete summary include?
At least five sentences: Main Idea sentence Most important idea of original source Three supporting detail sentences Three details that relate to and support the main idea Concluding sentence A summarizing sentence

12 Step #1: 3 Part Topic Sentence of Summary
Name It: Identify the title of the text and the author Verb It: Use one of the following “summary” verbs: Shows, describes, explains, discusses, lists, explores, illustrates, compares, states Central Idea/Main Point: Identify the central idea of the text

13 Step #2: 3-4 Essential/Key Ideas
Important = Interesting If the article has sub-headings: Pick 1-2 essential details from the introductory section and each sub-section. These details should make up your central idea. If the article does not have sub-headings Pick 1-2 essential details from the BEGINNING of the text, 1-2 essential details from the MIDDLE of the text, and 1-2 essential details from the END of the text.

14 Pratice With a partner: Whole group: Comparison of summary to a sample
read the article “Stomp Out Bullying”. Annotate as needed. Write an objective summary. (use your notes to guide your writing) Whole group: Comparison of summary to a sample

15 Your Turn: Homework Write an objective summary for “What is Culture?”

16 Syllabus Return signed sheet ASAP

17 Final Thoughts (If time)
Index Card Response (to turn in) I came to class expecting… I learned… One question I have is… The authors of the “What is Culture” essay conclude that… Homework Work on your Thinking Outside/Inside the Box assignment – due Friday Read/review pre-course reading and work on chart

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