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Fill the Toolbox 1:WORLD.

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Presentation on theme: "Fill the Toolbox 1:WORLD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill the Toolbox 1:WORLD

2 APurpose: To Create Short Links
Tool 1: Tiny URL APurpose: To Create Short Links

3 Quiz What tool do we use to make a short Link? Google Earth Tiny URL

4 Purpose: Easily Save PDF Documents to Computer
Bull Zip Tool 2: Bull Zip Purpose: Easily Save PDF Documents to Computer Link:

5 Quiz 2. What tool do we use to make a PDF? BullZip Symbaloo PDF File

6 Purpose: Keep all of your Websites Organized & Easily Accessible.
Tool 3: diigo Purpose: Keep all of your Websites Organized & Easily Accessible.

7 Quiz 3. What tool do we use to save website information and collaborate with others? Symbaloo diigo

8 Tool 4:
Purpose: Convenient Site to Create Interactive activities/resources for students.

9 Quiz diigo ZipGrade
4. What tool do we use to easily make activities and online games for our students? diigo ZipGrade

10 DPurpose: Make Word Cloud
Tool 5: Tagxedo DPurpose: Make Word Cloud

11 Tool 5: Tagxedo

12 Quiz Tagxedo ProProfs
5. What tool do we use to make word clouds? Tagxedo ProProfs

13 Tool 6: Online StopWatch
Purpose: Keep Classroom Moving with Timed Activities & Have Resource for Teaching Time & $$.

14 Quiz Online Stopwatch TinyURL Symbaloo
6. What tool do we use as a stopwatch? Online Stopwatch TinyURL Symbaloo

15 Tool 7: Symbaloo Purpose: Have a Visual Collection of Websites for Students to conveniently access.

16 Quiz ZipGrade TinyURL Symbaloo
7. What tool do we use as a visual collection of websites ? ZipGrade TinyURL Symbaloo

17 ProProfs Tool 8: ProProfs
Purpose: Quickly Make Different Types of Interactive Learning Activities for Students

18 Quiz Cloze Editor ProProfs ZipGrade
8. What tool do we use to make interactive activities for students ? Cloze Editor ProProfs ZipGrade

19 Tool 9: Cloze Editor gPurpose: To Mass Import Questions into a Quiz in Moodle.

20 Quiz Cloze Editor Symbaloo BullZip
9. What tool do we use to mass import questions into a Moodle Quiz? Cloze Editor Symbaloo BullZip

21 Purpose: Quickly Grade Quizes & Tests That are not on Moodle.
Zip Grade Tool 10: ZipGrade Purpose: Quickly Grade Quizes & Tests That are not on Moodle.

22 Quiz ZipGrade ProProfs Cloze Editor
10. What tool do we use to quickly grade quizzes & tests? ZipGrade ProProfs Cloze Editor

23 Tool 11: KeepVid T Purpose: To Download and Keep Videos found on YouTube.

24 Quiz 11. What tool do we use to save videos? BullZip Tagxedo KeepVid

25 Build With Tools Build with Tools!
Use the remaining time to Use the New Tools to create resources for your classroom: Be sure to add the website links to your diigo account!

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