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Nanomaterial Risk Screening Tool (NRST)

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Presentation on theme: "Nanomaterial Risk Screening Tool (NRST)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nanomaterial Risk Screening: A Structured Approach to Aid Decision Making under Uncertainty1
Nanomaterial Risk Screening Tool (NRST) Two-day workshop conducted in May 2012 that engaged experts from the nanotoxicology, human exposure, and environmental fate and transport domains Utilized a Structured Decision Making (SDM) approach to create a conceptual framework (see inset) and decision support tool concept (NRST) to aid in the collection, organization, and contextualization of risk information Identified key pathways of effects linking intrinsic and extrinsic nanomaterial physicochemical properties with hazard and exposure indicators Developed a qualitative risk scoring scheme to aid in evaluation of risks to human health and environment from engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) across their life cycle. Results The NRST decision tool is designed to enable decision makers to make inferences about the health and environmental implications of ENMs and ENM enabled products under uncertainty. Beaudrie, C. E., Kandlikar, M., Gregory, R., Long, G., & Wilson, T. (2014). Nanomaterial risk screening: a structured approach to aid decision making under uncertainty. Environment Systems and Decisions, 1-22.

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