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2 What type of climate do you see here?
This is a much cooler climate than we are used to today. It is believed that the average temperature was 6 to 12 degrees cooler than what we have now. That may not seem like a big change, but factor in that Indiana was covered periodically by giant glaciers for the past 2 – 3 million years and you will notice life in Indiana was much different. What is the difference between climate and weather? Climate is the measurement of atmospheric conditions over a long spanse of time. Weather measures short periods of time. Today, Indiana’s climate is moderate, with cold winters, cool springs and falls and warm to hot summers. During the Ice Age, image having a climate with the average January temperature being at 20 degrees instead of the 32 degrees we are used to now.

3 What type of animals do you think lived in Indiana during the Ice Age?
Most students will probably answer with animals they think lived in the colder climate: mastodon/mammoths being the most popular answer. Here are the animals pictured above (and should appear on the slide in this order): Mastodon Mammoth Stag Moose Tundra Musk Ox

4 The Ice Age wasn’t just about ice…
Did you know that we are currently living in an Ice Age? We are actually living in what is called an inter-glacial period. That means the glaciers have receded north and no longer affect our climate. Over the past 2 – 3 million years, glaciers have grown and receded and there have been many inter-glacial, or warmer periods.

5 Ice Age animals that once lived in Indiana during inter-glacial periods.
Giant Land Tortoise Sabertooth Cat Jaguar Ice Age Horses

6 Overkill by Paleo-Indians Disease
Why aren’t these animals living in Indiana anymore? Climate Change Overkill by Paleo-Indians Disease What do you think? There are three theories as to why most of the large Ice Age Animals went extinct in Indiana: 1. Rapid Climatic Change (and elimination of suitable habitat) 2. Overkill by PaleoAmerican hunters 3. Disease (on weakened populations) Some paleontologists believe it was a number of these factors that led to the extinction of these large animals. A little bit of trivia to share: The white tailed deer is the only Ice Age Animal still living in Indiana.

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