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Warm Up 1. What is your favorite lunch food?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1. What is your favorite lunch food?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1. What is your favorite lunch food?
2. Where did the foods come from to make up that meal? Example-Think about where the bread comes from to make your sandwich, where does the wheat come from? How do we get that wheat?

2 Most of the food you eat today in 2016 is a result of agriculture (farming) !!!

3 Objective SWBAT understand how farming changed peoples lives
Please remember to write down in your notes anything that is in RED

4 Spiraling back to our last few lessons, how did people obtain food before agriculture? (Turn and talk) Before agriculture, people hunted, fished, and gathered wild food.

5 Speculate how agriculture or farming may have changed peoples lives
*Lets write some ideas on the board

6 The earliest people were _________ who moved from place to place to hunt animals and find food to survive. Who can recall from last class what the Ice Age was like? (Turn and talk)

7 After the last Ice Age ended, Earth’s temperatures rose, and life for the nomads began to change. Do you have any ideas on how life may have changed once the Ice Age came to an end? (Turn and talk)

8 Nomads began to move into areas that had a mild climate and fertile land. *Who can infer what “fertile land” might mean? This allowed nomads to begin to live off the land, by growing crops. *What effect might this have had on the earliest peoples lifestyles?

9 Systematic Agriculture Hypothesize what this term mean
Systematic Agriculture Hypothesize what this term mean? Use context clues in the word and picture.

10 Systematic Agriculture- Growing food on a regular basis

11 At this time, people also began domesticating animals
At this time, people also began domesticating animals. Animals would- Transport goods Provide milk Provide wool Provide meat

12 The change in the way people lived marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age

13 Independent Practice You will each receive a copy of a map titled “Early Farming” Take some time to study the map on your own. Write a 3- 5 sentence paragraph explaining what this map shows.

14 Group Work Group 1- How can you tell where early farmers grew different crops? Group 2- Which continent had the largest amount of land dedicated to crops? Group 3- What crops were grown in Europe, Asia, and Africa? Group 4- Where did early farmers grow coffee, beans, sugarcane, and tomatoes?

15 Homework In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, explain how farming changed peoples lives?

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