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Unit 4: Political Geo Review

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1 Unit 4: Political Geo Review

2 Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory
Core Semi-Periphery Periphery Brandt Line

3 Government Power Organized Political Impact on Landscape
Territoriality Landlocked states Forward Capital Government Power Organized Unitary, Confederate, Federal Political Impact on Landscape

4 State Shapes

5 Boundaries Physical / Natural Boundaries Cultural Boundaries
Geometric Boundaries Consequent Boundaries Religious Boundaries Language Boundaries Subsequent Boundaries Antecedent Boundaries Superimposed Boundaries

6 Boundary delimitation – Boundary demarcation –
Boundary definition – determining the boundary by a treaty-like agreement through actual points, latitude/longitude, or landscape Boundary delimitation – the boundary is drawn on the map Boundary demarcation – the boundary is established by steel posts, concrete pillars, fences, etc. to mark the boundary on the ground

7 Devolution Regional or Asymmetrical Federalism

8 Electoral Geography Reapportionment Gerrymander

9 Centripetal/Centrifugal

10 Centripetal forces Raison d'être Nationalism
Unifying institutions: schools, the armed forces and state churches. *Organization and administration of the government. Transportation and communication – strong core area A perceived threat to a group’s sense of identity. Core area from Jody Smother Marcello at NCGE – strong polarizing force (core area) in the US most of population live in central area around Chicago

11 Centrifugal forces Forces that disrupt internal order and further the destruction of a country. Ethnic conflicts; competing claims among ethnic groups. Religion Poorly run government and/or transportation systems. A dissident minority seeking autonomy Large population in frontier area Devolution: transfer of power from the state’s central government. to separate political subdivisions within its territory. Frontier – as opposed to core area

12 Forms of Government Monarchies: Constitutional Monarchy
Traditional Monarchy Absolute Monarchy Republics: Democracy Restricted Democratic Practice Authoritarian Regime Totalitarian Regime Non-Sovereign: Protectorate Colonial Dependency Empire Source: Matthew White, Adapted from

13 African colonies

14 Geopolitics Ratzel – Organic State Haushofer – lebensraum
Mackinder – Pivot Area & Heartland Theory Alfred T. Mahan – control sea lanes Spykman – Rimland Theory

15 Effect US equated the Heartland theory w/the USSR so adopted containment in reaction to the Domino Theory Creating alliances in the Rimland: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) in West Asia Southeast Treaty Organization (SEATO) Eastern Europe became a shatterbelt or shatter zone during the Cold War –

16 International Organizations
Supranational Org Political/Military Org Economic Org UNCLOS OPEC

17 Trading Blocs

18 What is Terrorism US: premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents UN: intention to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act.

19 Number of Terrorism Incidents, 2000-2008

20 Types of Terrorism Domestic – acts against one’s own country (Oklahoma City) International – acts that transcend national boundaries (9/11) Subnational – acts committed by nongovernmental groups (Chechnya) State – acts committed by agents of the government (Syria)

21 The 8 Stages of Genocide Understanding the genocidal process is one of the most important steps in preventing future genocides. Classification Symbolization Dehumanization Organization Polarization Preparation Extermination Denial 21

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