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Welcome to Back to School Night 2016-2017
Nut safe zone Please do not ever send the following foods with your child to school: Nuts/Mixed Nuts Peanut Butter Nutella
SCHOOL DAY SCHEDULE K-2nd grade 8:10 am Academic day begins
12:00 pm – 12:35 pm Lunchtime 3:15 pm Dismissal 3rd-5th grade 8:00 am Academic day begins 11:40 am - 12:10 pm Lunchtime 3:15 pm Dismissal
Morning routine For 3rd - 5th grade, the school day begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students should arrive no later than 7:45 AM to allow time to go to their lockers and prepare for the first two classes of the day. The classroom door opens at 7:50AM. The first bell rings 7:55 AM. Students who are not seated and prepared for class by 8:00 AM will be considered tardy. They must report to the office and receive a tardy slip to enter class. Students are expected to be punctual to every class throughout the school day.
Consequences for tardies
3rd – 5th grade: Once a student accumulates three tardies per trimester the student will receive his/her first infraction. Thereafter, each tardy will result in additional infractions per incident. Student conduct is expected to conform to school rules and regulations at all times. Each violation of such rules/regulations will result in teacher and administrative action through a formal 4-step infraction procedure. First Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature and the student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher. Second Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature and the student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher and an administrator. Third Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature as well as an from administration to schedule a parent meeting. The student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher, an administrator and parent(s). Fourth Infraction: Will result in a formal referral for a detention/review period.
Consequences for tardies
Further Administrative Action: In the event that a student continues to receive infractions despite having gone through the 4-stage infraction protocol, a referral for further administrative review will be in effect. Administrative review may result in, but is not limited to, the following disciplinary actions. 1. Formal referral to school counseling services 2. Probation 3. In-School Suspension 4. Home Suspension
All elementary students must be picked up by a parent/guardian and signed out from their homeroom classes during dismissal time. Students who haven’t been picked up and signed out by 3:25 pm will be escorted by their teachers to room 4-5 where they must be seated at designated tables. If a child hasn’t been picked up by 3:30 pm, he/she will be in extended day care for a fee.
NO CANDY POLICY Candy (or any processed food made predominantly from sweeteners or artificial sweeteners with a variety of minor ingredients) includes hard candy, jellies, marshmallow candies, fondant, licorice, spun candy, and candy coated popcorn. The only time candy be allowed is on Halloween day. Staff may not provide candy to students under any circumstances as a reward, but candy may be used occasionally as an educational tool (e.g., sorting M&Ms). Parents should follow this policy when packing lunches and snacks for their children, and when bringing treats for their child's class
Cellular phones and electronic devices
Students may bring cell phones to school. However, they must be turned off and kept in the student’s backpack throughout the course of the entire school day. Cell Phone Infractions Policy: A cellular phone or other unauthorized electronic device displayed or being used during school hours will be confiscated and the following consequences will be incurred: First Infraction: One-day penalty—Student must be accompanied by a parent to retrieve confiscated device from administration at the end of the following school day after the confiscation.
Cellular phones and electronic devices
Second Infraction: One-week penalty—Student must be accompanied by a parent to retrieve confiscated device from administration, after the course of one school week. Third Infraction: One-month penalty—Student will not be permitted to bring his/her cell phone to school for one month. Fourth Infraction: Student will not be permitted to bring his/her cell phone to school for the remainder of the school year. The school is not responsible for the loss/theft of any such item, whether confiscated or otherwise.
BIRTHDAYS AND PARTIES A birthday is a special day in a child’s life. The school is happy to share in the day. For class birthday celebrations, parents may make arrangements with their child’s homeroom teacher. As a reminder, we are a Nut Safe school. If a student is going to bring invitations to school for a birthday or other party, he/she needs to make sure that all students in the class are invited. Otherwise, parents are asked to make alternate arrangements to distribute invitations. A.G.B.U. MDS STRONGLY ENCOURAGES FULL-CLASSROOM INCLUSION whenever possible for out-of-school birthday celebrations.
Homework Daily homework is a requirement for all students.
It aims to reinforce the content of subjects taught in the classroom and to sharpen newly acquired skills It helps develop sound home study habits and fosters the valuable practice of independent work. Teachers will the one-week-schedules (OWS) of assignments, quizzes, and tests to parents on a weekly basis and post it on their class website. Below are the guidelines of time allotments regarding homework, per grade level: K-1st A minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 30 minutes per night. 2nd A minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes per night. 3rd – 5th Grade a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 20 minutes per subject each night.
Teachers provide the foundation in developing positive study habits. Homework assigned must be a review of the skills and lessons taught in the classroom. Teachers will provide appropriate feedback, as necessary, on each assignment. Parents should show an active interest in assignments, but limit their assistance. Parents should also provide encouragement and support to their child. Students need to complete all homework assigned and return it to their teacher on time. They must be accountable for the completion of their homework. Books and materials taken home must be returned as required. Work turned in must reflect the student’s best effort. Once a student accumulates three missed homework assignments per trimester the student will receive his/her first infraction. Thereafter, each missed homework assignment will result in additional infractions per incident.
Missing Homework Student conduct is expected to conform to school rules and regulations at all times. Each violation of such rules/regulations will result in teacher and administrative action through a formal 4-step infraction procedure. First Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature and the student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher. Second Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature and the student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher and an administrator. Third Infraction: Will result in an infraction slip sent home for parent signature as well as an from an administrator to schedule a parent meeting. The student will be given an opportunity to reflect on his/her behavior with their teacher, an administrator and parent(s). Fourth Infraction: Will result in a formal referral for a detention/review period.
Missing Homework Further Administrative Action: In the event that a student continues to receive infractions despite having gone through the 4-stage infraction protocol, a referral for further administrative review will be in effect. Administrative review may result in but is not limited to the following disciplinary actions: 1. Formal referral to school counseling services 2. Probation 3. In-School Suspension 4. Home Suspension
tests Students are tested at regular intervals depending on the subject, at the teacher’s discretion. A teacher may quiz students at any time, whether it is planned or unannounced. Students are encouraged to keep a portfolio of all tests for review purposes. In case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher and schedule a make-up quiz or test. Tests and quizzes will not be scheduled on Mondays. Students will not be assigned more than two tests per day.
evaluation The school evaluates each student on a broad assessment basis, which includes the outcomes of tests and quizzes, projects, performances, presentations, homework, classroom participation, effort/improvement, and other applicable factors. There is a “no extra credit” policy in all classes; students cannot raise their grades by arranging with teachers to do additional assignments for extra credit.
4th - 5th grade science Back to School Night
Mrs. Shannan Marley-Whitehead AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School
Fourth and Fifth Grade Science
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Shannan Marley LOCATION: Elementary Science Lab (Room 6-12) and Room 5-4 TUTORING HOURS: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-3:45 PHONE: (818) EXT WEBPAGE: TEXT: (1) California Science by Houghton Mifflin WORKBOOKS: (1)California Science Interactive Text by Houghton Mifflin (2) California Science Study Guide by Houghton Mifflin
Experience Educational Background / Working experience:
Years Teaching: 20 Educational Background / Working experience: I received my B.A. from CSUN in 1994 in Criminology and Corrections. I have been teaching since 1997. I hold a California Clear Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and a California Clear Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Certificate (C.L.A.D.). Teaching Career: AGBU MDS has been my home since 1997. I taught 3rd grade from , 5th grade from , and I also taught 6th grade World History for two years from This is my sixth year teaching 4th and 5th grade Science Additionally, I taught 6th grade Earth Science from
Scientific learning objectives
To observe carefully To describe in detail To compare sensibly To classify in an organized manner To measure accurately To interpret evidence knowledgeably To experiment with confidence To make thoughtful predictions To develop appropriate vocabulary To make inferences and draw conclusions To be informed on current science information To be allowed the freedom to risk, explore, and to question.
General Learning Objectives
To read and listen carefully To gather, locate, record, and organize information from a number of sources To be an active participant in student discussions To develop efficient study habits To be involved in cross discipline learning To work cooperatively in groups
Homework: Mrs. Marley’s Role
Assign a minutes of homework Monday-Thursday and some Fridays , mainly for review, that will be meaningful and relevant. Ensure that concepts that haven’t been taught will not be given as homework. The only exception will be reading a new lesson that will be introduced at the next class meeting. Provide appropriate and timely feedback on each assignment. Use students’ performance to drive instruction and calibrate the level of enrichment/additional reinforcement. Ensure no science homework will be assigned on holidays or vacations with the exception of the Science Fair Project for 5th graders Ensure that no quizzes or tests are scheduled on Mondays. Keep Friday assignments as light as possible (review for upcoming quiz/test or work on project) Send home graded work (workbook pages, worksheets, quizzes, tests, etc.) for parents to review and sign.
Homework: Parents’ Role
Provide a consistently suitable area to do the homework. Explore study strategies to help your child understand how he/she learns best. Encourage your child to review his/her work and independently check for errors. Look over and sign your child’s assignment book each night. Look over graded work, sign, and return.
Homework: Students’ Role
Be accountable, complete all homework assigned, and return by due date. Review material (notes, vocabulary, questions) in preparation for upcoming quizzes/tests as part of nightly homework or research for a project. Books and materials taken home must be returned as required. Work left at home is considered missing homework. Work turned in must reflect best effort. Keep science notebook neat and organized. Share learning with parents, dinner table discussions, take home experiments, etc. Return signed homework/quizzes/tests to Mrs. Marley.
Evaluation Grades at the end of each trimester are based on the following: test scores, quizzes, lab work, projects, class-work, participation, pop quizzes, and homework. Tests: 40% Quizzes & Projects: 25% Homework: 15% Classwork: 10% Participation: 10%
Field trips 4th Grade: California Science Center: Ecosystems Exhibit and IMAX Movie Gold Rush (On Campus) 5th Grade: Griffith Observatory "Life in Colonial New England" (On Campus) Sacramento
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