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2001: My digital story began when my dad brought home a Xbox

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1 2001: My digital story began when my dad brought home a Xbox
2001: My digital story began when my dad brought home a Xbox. He had bought two very popular games for it Halo Combat Evolved, Call of Duty Finest Hour. Although I was only three at them time and my hand was not big enough for the controller I still put a lot of hours into those games. I have a lot of memory’s with the Xbox. We only had the console for a year before we had a mechanical error with the machine and had to return it. My Digital Story

2 Gameboy Advance SP 2004-The Gameboy Advance SP was my first hand held device. The first games I owned for it were Sonic the HedgeHog and Pokemon Fire Red Version. I put a endless amounts of hours into Pokemon. This was the first time I could play video games while on a road trip or while I was in a store.

3 Nintendo GameCube 2005- My mom bought me a Gamecube for me and my brothers to share. I would bring this console to my friends house and play Mario Kart together. We would trade games back and forth trying each others games. My brother and I would race home to get to play the Gamecube first. There is one game that sticks out from all the rest and that would be Luigi's Manson. That game was hard but on the other hand it was a lot of fun.

4 Mini Dell laptop My mom had ordered me and my brother two Mini Dell laptop. They came in the mail and we were so excited when they came in. I used the laptop for homework and to play computer games. I would play a game called Runescape. My brother and I shared an account levelling each skill to ninety nine. We would pay people through Paypal to level our skills while we were away. Eventually we got almost every skills to ninety nine.

5 Nintendo DS Lite My mom bought three DS Lite's one for all my brothers. I had a blue one which I really enjoyed having. I only had one game for this with the time that I had this device which was Pokemon Diamond. This device was unique because it came with a styalis. However, the styalis was incredibly easy to lose or misplace.

6 Xbox 360 When I got a Xbox 360 is when I really start to take gaming seriously. I bought Halo 3 for my Xbox 360 in It is seven years later and I am still enjoying that game. I would also play games like Gears of War series and Call of Duty franchise. I have a lot of memories on this console. This is also when I first to play online.

7 HTC One V This was my first phone. I had it for a year and a half. At the time I thought this phone was really good but then I learned about other phones that were much better and faster. My phone accidentally went through the washing machine. I enjoyed this phone because this was when touch screen was just shown to the public.

8 Samsung Tablet 3 I got this tablet for a early Christmas gift last year. I use this tablet today to play Clash of Clans and look up information for homework. I prefer using this over my phone because of the wider screen although my phone is much faster I still would take the winder screen over a faster processor.

9 Nexus 5 This is my current phone. I chose this phone over the Apple Iphone 5c because you can do more with is phone versus the Iphone. I enjoy using this phone because I was already familiar with the Nexus phones.

10 PS4/Xbox One I bought the PS4 and the Xbox One on both their release dates. I've done a lot of research prior to purchasing these console. I'd like to think PS4 has the better gaming experience and still has a fair share of entrainment apps such as Netflix, Hulu, Crackle. Xbox on the other hand is more of a entertainment console rather than a gaming console. I bought both because I am a big fan of both consoles. They each have a unique features that I really like. They also each of some very good exclusives that I enjoy playing.

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