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OPTIMIST PROTOCOL Optimist International.

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Presentation on theme: "OPTIMIST PROTOCOL Optimist International."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPTIMIST PROTOCOL Optimist International

2 WHAT IS PROTOCOL? A formal way to show “courtesy” toward others
Institutional rules of etiquette From Greek “the first glue” to hold society together

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them Put yourself in your guests shoes Communicate: Expectations, attire, hosts

4 MEETING AGENDAS Attendance Minutes
Agenda; time, intros, parliamentary rules

5 INVITATIONS What is going to happen? Where is it going to happen?
When is it going to happen? Why is it happening? R.S.V.P.

6 GIFTS Thank-yous Respectful Inexpensive Easy to unwrap

7 ROOM LAYOUT Theater, classroom, conference Audio-visual and technical

8 FLAG DISPLAY At no time should the flag of an outside nation be given the position of superior prominence On speaker’s right (speaker podium) On audience right (on floor next to podium) Right if marching or standing

9 HEAD TABLE Name places in advance
Master of Ceremonies or presiding officer Others by rank order (to respect office

10 RECEIVING LINES Receiving Lines; Host/ hostess, guest of honor, spouse or partner of host/ hostess, spouse or partner of guest of honor

11 INTRODUCTIONS Introducing guest
Person of higher rank is introduced to the person of lesser rank Introducing speakers Highest rank last Introducing head table Start at extreme left and move toward the center then repeat starting at the extreme right

12 INTRODUCTIONS Other introductions
Young person is introduced to an older person A man is introduced to a woman Guest is introduced to the host or hostess Person without rank is introduced to one with rank

Arrangements made well in advance Respect your audience Understand their culture Use non-denominational/generic prayer Toasts are for recognizing special people or honoring nations Raise a glass, make the toast, and then sip

14 VIP VISITS: SUMMARY Plan Communicate Greet Introduce Host & Hostess
Follow-up Parliamentary Procedure

15 OPTIMIST PROTOCOL “To make all your friends feel that there in something in them.”

16 & Q A Optimist International

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