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Large TPCs for HEP ILC-TPC & Fast Neutron detector

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1 Large TPCs for HEP ILC-TPC & Fast Neutron detector
Wenxin Wang (D. Attié, P. Colas, E. Delagnes, Yuanning Gao, Bitao Hu, Bo Li, Yulan Li, M. Riallot, Xiaodong Zhang)

2 Self-Introduction Came from Lanzhou University
PhD thesis in Orsay University Work in RD51 (advisor P. Colas) “Study of large Micromegas detectors for calorimetry and muon detection” 1.2×0.4m2 Micromegas prototype Micromegas Digital HCAL Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

3 Outline ILC-TPC 1.2 Tsinghua GEM-TPC improvement (TU-TPC)
1.1 Micromegas ILC-TPC: ILC-TPC Large Prototype Bulk Micromegas with resistive anodes T2K electronics Data analysis results 1.2 Tsinghua GEM-TPC improvement (TU-TPC) Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

4 ILC-TPC 1.1 Micromegas ILC-TPC
Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

5 Micromegas Edrift / Eamplif ~ 1/200
Y. Giomataris, Ph. Rebourgeard, JP Robert and G. Charpak, NIM A 376 (1996) 29 MICROMEsh GAseous Structure Edrift / Eamplif ~ 1/200 cathode Drift gap ~0.3 kV/cm metallic micromesh (typical pitch 50μm) sustained by μm pillars Spatial resolution (<100μm) Time resolution (few ns) High-rate capability Good robustness Amplification gap ~ µm ~50 kV/cm Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

6 Micromegas TPC: Time Projection Chamber
Ionization energy loss(dE/dx) 3D track points reconstruction t electrons diffuse and drift due to the E-field Ionizing Particle electrons are separated from ions E B A magnetic field reduces electron diffusion y x Micromegas TPC : the amplification is made by Micromegas Localization in time and position Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

7 ILC-TPC Large Prototype
Design for an ILD TPC in progress 2x80 modules with 8000 pads each Goal: O(200) track points transverse resolution : 100 μm (2 m drift & 3.5 T magnet) . Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

8 ILC-TPC Large Prototype
Built by the collaboration Financed by EUDET Located at DESY: 5 GeV e- beam Sharing: - magnet : KEK, Japan - field cage : DESY, Germany - Cosmic trigger : Saclay, France - endplate : Cornell, USA Testing: - Micromegas : Saclay, France, Carleton/Montreal, Canada - GEM : Saga, Japan, Tsinghua, China - TimePix pixel : F, D, NL TPC ILD Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

9 Micromegas with Resistive Anode
Pad width limits MPGD TPC resolution : pad width 0 : resolution at Z=0 without diffusion pads mesh E B resistive foil glue pads mesh E B Charge dispersion technique with a resistive anode so that wide pads can be used for centroid determination Direct signal readout technique A centroid calculation less precise Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

10 Micromegas Modules for TPC
Resistive ink ~3 MΩ/□ Resistive Kapton ~5 MΩ/□ Standard 2 Resistive Kapton Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

11 T2K Electronics Characteristics
AFTER-based electronics (72 channels/chip) from T2K experiment: low-noise (700 e-) pre-amplifier-shaper 100 ns to 2 μs tunable peaking time Zero Suppression capability full wave sampling by SCA Bulk Micromegas detector: 1726 (24x72) pads of ~3x7 mm² frequency tunable from 1 to 100 MHz (most data at 25 MHz) 12 bit ADC (rms pedestals 4 to 6 channels) pulser for calibration Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

Goal : Fully equip 7 modules with more integrated electronics, still based on the T2K AFTER chip. First prototype in June 2010 Tests at fall 2010 Then production and characterization of 9 modules in 2011 at the CERN T2K clean room Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

13 Data Analysis Results Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

14 B=0 data : Drift velocity measurements
Data Analysis Results Drift Velocity in T2K gas compared to Magboltz simulations for - P=1035 hPa - T=19°C ppm H20 ( T2K gas: Ar:CF4:iso=95:3:2) Vdrift = cm/µs at E=230 V/cm (Magboltz : (gas comp.)) The difference is % B=0 data : Drift velocity measurements Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

15 Data Analysis Results PRF : Pad Response Function
a measure of signal size as a function of track position relative to the pad using pulse shape information to optimize the PRF The PRF: is not Gaussian. can be characterized by its FWHM (z) & base Width (z). Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

16 PRF(Pad Response Functions) fits, z ~ 5 cm
Data Analysis Results B=1T data : comparison of resistive ink and Carbon-loaded Kapton PRF(Pad Response Functions) fits, z ~ 5 cm Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

17 Data Analysis Results Position residuals xrow-xtrack Lyon, 09/04/2010
W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

18 Data Analysis Results MEAN RESIDUAL vs ROW number
Z-independent distortions Distortions up to 50 microns for resistive paint Rms 7 microns for CLK film Z=5cm Z=35cm Z=50cm Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

19 Data Analysis Results 0 =52.7 μm 0 : the resolution at Z=0
Resistive CLK: 0 =52.7 μm 0 : the resolution at Z=0 Neff : the effective number of electrons Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

20 Dependence of resolution with data taking conditions
Data Analysis Results Resolution at z=5cm (µm) Vmesh (V) Dependence of resolution with data taking conditions Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

21 1.2 Tsinghua GEM-TPC (TU-TPC)
ILC-TPC 1.2 Tsinghua GEM-TPC (TU-TPC) Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

22 Tsinghua GEM-TPC (TU-TPC)
Small TU-TPC prototype (GEM-TPC) Total: 99 strips Pitch: 5 mm Strip Width: 2 mm Maximum drift length: 50cm Readout detector: triple-GEM Scheme of TU-TPC prototype Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

23 Tsinghua GEM-TPC Improvement
TU-TPC Field cage: single-side strip to mirror strip: done Guard ring: adopted DAQ: from Q, T separately, to pulse sampling, delayed, but coming soon Space charge calculation Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

24 Imaging Micromegas Detector
Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

25 Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector
The typical conversion reactions: H(n,n)p 10B(n,α)7Li 6Li(n,α)t α n → t p Scheme of the gadolinium foil (100 μm) etching and image obtained with the Micromegas detector. F. Jeanneau et al. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 53, issue 2, pp Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

26 Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector
Readout electronics using AFTER-based electronics (made by Saclay) Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

27 Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector
PCB design for fast neutron detector ( six T2K front end cards ~2000 pixels 1.5mm ) Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

28 Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector
Present - August 2010: Design, construction, transportation and assembly of fast neutron detector; September 2010: Date taking with fast neutron detector using a 14MeV neutron beam in Lanzhou University. Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

29 Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector:
Conclusions Micromegas ILC-TPC: Since December 2008 , 5 modules of Micromegas TPC have been measured and got good results. The concept is globally validated. Next step well advanced : 7 modules to fully equip the present endplate. Fast Neutron Imaging Micromegas Detector: We have finished the basic design of fast neutron Micromegas detector and will take data in this year. All these make good preparation for research of neutron imaging. Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

30 Thank you for your attention
And Thanks to all others for the texts and pictures I “borrowed” Lyon, 09/04/2010 W. Wang - FCPPL workshop

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