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Maths at Sacred Heart EYFS & Key Stage 1

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1 Maths at Sacred Heart EYFS & Key Stage 1
Wednesday 3rd February

2 Maths in the Early Years
Maths is taught through all 17 areas e.g. in nursery rhymes, experimenting with water, building… Maths is split specifically ‘Numbers’ and ‘Shape, space & measures’ In Nursery a maths focus is given during a story/song time and in Reception there is a dedicated 20 minute carpet session Children continuously explore maths in the wider environment

3 The KS1 Curriculum Fluency – efficiency, accuracy and flexibility
Reasoning - explaining ideas, choices and concepts Problem solving – application of skills

4 Following the Wandsworth & Merton calculations policy

5 Supporting your child with maths
Using the methods taught at school Maths in the wider world – money and time Mathletics Home learning – asking them to reason Games EYFS ideas sheet

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