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Tengfang (Tim) Xu, Ph.D., PE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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1 Tengfang (Tim) Xu, Ph.D., PE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Presentation to ESTECH 2005 Tengfang (Tim) Xu, Ph.D., PE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2 Investigating the Performance of a Minienvironment System
Tengfang (Tim) Xu, Ph.D., PE Environmental Energy Technologies Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory May 3, 2005 2 2

3 Investigating the Performance of a Minienvironment System
Introduction Scope and Objectives Case Study Methods Results Conclusions and Recommendations 2 2

4 Introduction Minienvironment
A minienvironment is a localized environment created by an enclosure to isolate a product or process from the surrounding environment Separative Devices 2 2

5 Why Minienvironment? Minienvironment - Separative Devices
Gaining wide adoption in various industries Knowledge about energy efficiency Emerging technologies and strategies to improve efficiency 2 2

6 Cleanroom Electric Power
Cleanroom Measured Power

7 Cleanroom Contamination Control

8 Efficient Air Systems Reduce initial costs
optimized sizing Reduce utility costs while benefiting productivity Other non-energy benefits Energy efficient design can be considered as a strategy in the industry to achieve cost savings and improve bottom line

9 ISO Standards from IEST
The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) ISO (1 through 8): Cleanrooms and Controlled Environments ISO (1 through 3): Bio-contamination

10 Minienvironment within a Ballroom (Cleanroom)

11 Background Energy information on minienvironments is essentially non-existent Understand energy efficiency opportunities in minienvironments Key metrics: W/cfm 2 2

12 Objectives Develop an understanding of the key parameters contributing to energy performance of a minienvironment Quantify energy performance of the minienvironment air system and identify opportunities for improving its energy performance. 2 2

13 Approaches Literature reviews
Develop a case study on minienvironment system performance Collaborate with industry leaders and Sematech in research actions 2 2

14 Case Study Method Minienvironment Electric Power Airflow and Pressure
4 FFUs of 1’x2’ Dimensions (2’x4’x 7’7’’) Electric Power True RMS energy analyzer (±3%) Airflow and Pressure electronic micro-manometer (±3% of reading plus ±7 fpm) Pitot tube (±2% of reading Pa)

15 Total fan power vs. Airflow rate
Case Study Results Total fan power vs. Airflow rate

16 Power factor vs. Airflow rate
Case Study Results Power factor vs. Airflow rate

17 Case Study Results EPI vs. Airflow rate

18 Static pressure vs. Airflow rate
Case Study Results Static pressure vs. Airflow rate

19 Pressure difference vs. airflow rate
Case Study Results Pressure difference vs. airflow rate

20 Conclusions Measure up with Cleanrooms: EPI

21 Recommendations - i Improve energy performance of minienvironment systems Fan-filter Unit Airflow path 2 2

22 FFU: Wide Range of Efficiencies

23 FFU: Performance

24 Recommendations – ii Understand energy implications of minienvironment vs. cleanroom through demonstrations Electric power usage Size of minienvironment Cleanliness requirements 2 2

25 Recommendations - iii Develop demonstration for approach and tools to tackle and implement energy efficiency throughout planning, construction, installation, design, commissioning, O&M, re-commissioning, reuse of minienvironment and integration with process and cleanroom facility 2 2

26 Recommendations - iv Develop and identify strategies in energy efficiency for effective environmental control 2 2

27 Interaction with IEST Interact with IEST to possibly adopt energy efficiency in recommended practice (RP) guidelines IEST WGs 2 2

28 TTXU@LBL.GOV Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Questions Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 2 2

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