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Working with Beryllium in Bochvar Institute (JSC “VNIINM”)

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1 Working with Beryllium in Bochvar Institute (JSC “VNIINM”)
RF DA A.A. Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials (JSC “VNIINM”), Moscow Working with Beryllium in Bochvar Institute (JSC “VNIINM”) I. Kupriyanov Workshop on Beryllium Applications and Health & Safety ITER Organization,

2 Outline Brief History Types of work with beryllium Normative base
Organization of work with Be Personal protective equipment Monitoring of Be contamination Industrial and medical control Lessons learned

3 Brief History More than 60 years JSC "VNIINM" has been the leading research institute in the field of material science and technology of beryllium; Most of the beryllium materials produced at the ULBA plant in former USSR and beryllium materials currently being produced in Kazakhstan were developed and introduced into industry by the specialists of VNIINM; JSC "VNIINM" was the initiator and scientific supervisor of the establishment of Russian beryllium production at the "Basalt" plant in Saratov; JSC "VNIINM" has developed and implemented at the "Basalt" plant the production of beryllium grade TGP-56FW, intended for use as facing of the panels for the ITER first wall.

4 Types of work with beryllium
- Making powder and pebbles - Powder consolidation by VHP, CIP, Cold-Pressing, Extrusions, etc. - Heat treatment - Chemical analysis, mechanical and physical properties tests - Microstructure examination (optical, TEM, SEM, etc.) - Machining & Cutting - HHF tests by plasma accelerator - Cleaning & Packaging - Storage

5 Normative base When working with beryllium VNIINM is guided by the following normative documents: Sanitary rules «СП Design and operation of enterprises for the production and processing of beryllium and its compounds», 1983 «Manual on the health and hygiene for providing of safe working conditions and environmental protection when working with beryllium and its compounds», 2002 Methodological instructions «МУ – 06 Hygienic requirements for design and operation of enterprises for the production and processing of beryllium and its compounds», 2006

6 Organization of work with Be
To increase the safety of work with beryllium, the following measures were implemented in JSC "VNIINM": Two zone layout of production facilities is used: the I zone is the area of the technological equipment ("dirty zone"), the II zone - the rooms adjacent to the first zone (corridors, rest rooms and other clean rooms, free of technological equipment) ("clean zone" ). Between the zones there is a sanitary lock, where a dressing up and washing are performed. The production premises are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation (common and local), which is connected to a centralized gas cleaning system. To prevent dust and aerosols entering into the environment, more low pressure (on Pa) is maintained in the building where work with beryllium is being performed. Daily wet cleaning of premises is carried out. For the purification of contaminated water runoff, there are treatment facilities.

7 Organization of work with Be
For isolation and localization of equipment and technological processes, accompanied by the release of harmful impurities into the air of industrial premises, shelters, fume hoods, and boxes equipped with appropriate local exhaust ventilation are used. The personnel is regularly instructed and trained in the rules for working with beryllium. Use of Respiratory / Personal Protective Equipment (filtering face masks, rubber gloves, lab coats, protective overalls, slippers) is mandatory for personnel. A systematic control of beryllium content is carried out in the air, on the surface of the production premises and equipment. A regular medical examination of personnel engaged in work with beryllium is conducted.

8 Personal protective equipment
Personnel working with Be are provided with personal protective equipment, namely: - basic (overalls, suits, dressing gowns, helmets or hats, socks, underwear), and additional (film aprons, armlets, semi-cheats, semi- overalls, etc.); -means of protecting respiratory organs (respirators, gas masks, insulating breathing apparatus, etc); -special footwear (basic and optional); - means of protecting hands (rubber, film, cotton or knitted gloves and mittens); - means for protecting eyes and face (goggles, etc.); means of protecting the head (helmets for various purposes, balaclava). Russian Sanitary rules and Hygienic requirements do not regulate the use of PAS (Personal Air Samples).

9 Monitoring of Be contamination
Monitoring of Be contamination includes: - Control over levels of air pollution by beryllium in the workplaces; - Control of beryllium contamination levels on surfaces of workrooms and equipment; - Control of beryllium contamination levels on surfaces of the sanitary zones; - Periodic monitoring of beryllium contamination of skin and personal clothing and footwear of workers; - Control of beryllium emissions into the atmosphere; - Control of beryllium contamination in discharges; - Control of beryllium contamination in metal scrap exported from the site; - Quality control of washing from beryllium contamination of technological equipment coming in for repair

10 Monitoring of Be contamination
According to RF rules (СП СП and МУ ) the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of Be are: - Air in the working area - 1 µg/m3 - Surface of floor and walls of the working room – µg/m2 - The surfaces of tools, materials, instruments, equipment, products carried outside the sanitary zone – 30 µg/m2 For monitoring of the Be contamination the following procedures are used in JSC "VNIINM: ПНД Ф14.1: atomic absorption spectroscopy using atomic absorption spectrometer with electro-thermal atomization MGA-915M; M colorimetric method by Fluorate Fluid Analyzer using the Fluorate-02 fluid analyzer Frequency of monitoring: Regular measurements - once or twice a month Additional measurements – depend on the situation Statistics of measurements shows that from time to time the contamination of the floor and air of the working area exceeds MPC.

11 Medical control Medical security of personnel includes medical examinations, disease prevention, and, if necessary, treatment and rehabilitation of persons who have been diagnosed with health problems. Obligatory medical examination (inspection) is subject to the following persons: -who is employed for the work with beryllium; - who is involved in the liquidation of the consequences of accidents; All staff of JSC "VNIINM" working with Be undergoes mandatory periodic medical examinations once a year. Russian Sanitary rules and Hygienic requirements do not require the use of Beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT).

12 Lessons learned The organization of work with beryllium in JSC VNIINM meets the requirements of Russian health and safety rules. To ensure safe working conditions and environmental protection when working with beryllium and its compounds, it is necessary to fulfil a set of specific organizational and technical requirements to the production facilities, to the organization of the technological process, ventilation, gas purification and water purification, and to provide monitoring of Be contamination, training of personnel, waste management and other. Technological processes resulting in the formation of dust, aerosols, melting and spraying of beryllium, require increased attention and control.

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