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Welcome to Mrs. Reardon’s Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Reardon’s Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Reardon’s Curriculum Night

2 Schedule Bell Work 8:15-8:25 Morning Announcements: 8:25 PAWS : 8:25 – 9:05 Reading/Language Arts 9:05 – 10:55 Specials: 10:55 – 11:45 Science/Social Studies: 11:45 – 12:15 Lunch: 12:15 – 12:45 Recess: 12:45 – 1:05 Science and Social Studies: 1:05 – 1:30 Math: 1:30 – 3:00 Dismissal 3:00

3 Snack Time Students can pack a healthy snack to eat mid-morning.

4 When I’m not teaching… I am a 4-H Leader. I love to read.
I enjoy being active. My favorite activity is walking on the Kelly Park Jetty in Cape Canaveral. I stay up late for rocket launches. I de-stress by taking long walks with my dog. I study Florida history and nature for fun.

5 My Background Michigan State University Bachelor of Arts
M.Ed University of Central Florida Science/Math/Technology Lockheed/Martin Scholar Reading Endorsed Florida Teaching Certificate Starting my 32st year in Lake County Schools

6 Why do I teach? To empower others KNOWLEDGE IS POWER

7 Nuts and Bolts Curriculum/Textbooks
Lake County’s curriculum can be found at on the Curriculum Department page. Reading and Language Arts – Wonders by McGraw-Hill Math – Envision Math by Pearson Science – Interactive Science by Pearson Social Studies – My World by Pearson

8 Student Responsibilities
Come to school on time eager to learn and do your best work possible. Be prepared with your materials. Don’t get behind. Last year, I found that those who got behind, continued to get further behind. Students should write homework or special notes in the agenda daily. Nightly homework needs to be completed and should include studying for weekly tests. (Late homework is accepted but math book pages need to be brought back done or not.)

9 Classroom Expectations
Show respect to others and to school property. Participate in class activities with a good attitude. Stay seated and no chatting while the teacher is talking. Take your turn to speak. Follow directions and school rules. Work hard and do your very best. Absolutely NO BULLYING .

10 At-home responsibilities:
Your child should be bringing home his or her Orange Folder nightly so you can review and check work. Spelling Words, Vocabulary Words, and the Timed Tests are in the folder to practice nightly. New lists are given out on Monday. All D and F papers should be corrected with parent’s help, signed and returned in the Orange/Red Folder. All informational material should also be found in this folder.

11 Seminole Springs Elementary's Web-site
Click on “Teachers” to find me and updates about what is happening in our classroom.

12 State Testing What will the FSA, Florida Standards Assessment require my child to do? Information can be found at the Florida Dept. of Education’s Website ( in the “Online Portal and Resources for the Florida State Assessments” link.

13 Newsletters Newsletters go home at least every other week.
Included in the newsletters are spelling words and vocabulary definitions as well as the skills of the week. Upcoming events will also be found in the newsletter. * My website may also have tutorials.

14 Reading Incentives Superintendent's Reading Challenge:
Students who read 25 books before March 2nd will receive recognition from the Superintendent. The recommended books read for the challenge is 1/3 of the books should be Fiction, 1/3 of the books should be Non-Fiction, and 1/3 Student’s Choice. Students can keep track in their agendas or at home.

15 Curriculum Expectations
Florida Curriculum is Common Core based. Tests are more complex and challenging due to an emphasis on higher rigor. We are trying to move to a paperless system. What does this mean? 1. Students will be required to do more writing. 2. We will not use as many worksheets to teach/practice/learn skills. 3. Students will use Thinking Maps and Journals. 4. Children will be learning how to work in teams in order to learn from each other. - 5. They will present their work to class to explain, answer classmates’ questions and refine their thinking. - 6. However, they will be graded on their individual work. 3rd

16 3rd Grade is a Pass/Fail Grade
State Testing Format H.O.T Text questions (higher order thinking) Multi-Select Questions: Requires students to select all applicable words or phrases. Example: Select ALL words or phrases from the text. Open Response: Short response , Text Evidence: Proof written from the text.

17 My Teaching Philosophy
The potential for greatness lives in each of us. Wilma Randolph All children can succeed beyond expectations. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” Thomas Edison We learn by doing and we move forward from our mistakes. The learning is in the struggle. It is important to teach for understanding and the ability to solve real problems using skills and concepts. It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates

18 The Heart of my Classroom
Don’t be afraid to try Keep going even when it’s hard Take pride in your work Be kind to others and respectful of all creatures Be trustworthy Be an active participant

19 Child/Parent Responsibilities
Support and guide your child, don’t do it for him or her. (Backpacks, homework, snacks, etc) Show mom and dad what you can do on your own. Always remember: No harm has ever come to a child who forgot their homework, folder or library book. (The first few times) Child/Parent Responsibilities

20 “StudentSpeak” Translations
THIS is too Hard. I’ll never get it. Student Means I don’t feel like doing this right now.

21 She didn’t tell us what to do!
Student Says… She didn’t tell us what to do! Student Means Actually she did tell us what to do, but there may be a slight chance I wasn’t listening. So could you just tell me?

22 Saturday and Sunday: Read and practice math multiplication facts
Homework Policy Monday-Thursday. If a student misses an evening of homework, please send in the incomplete work so they have it if we go over it the next day. Saturday and Sunday: Read and practice math multiplication facts

23 Expectations Always Remember You’re Braver than you seem, Stronger than you feel, and Smarter than you think Christopher Robin

24 Be curious. Read widely. Try new things
Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. What people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity.” Aaron Swartz

25 Let’s Have a Great Year Together!

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