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What you should know about light!!

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Presentation on theme: "What you should know about light!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What you should know about light!!

2 What is light? Light is a form of energy Light travels extremely fast
It carries energy and information It travels in straight lines It bounces and/or bends when it comes into contact with objects Visible light has color Light has different intensities (bright or dim)

3 How do we see most of the world?
Why do you see this slide? Light from the projector is reflecting off the screen and going to your eyes. What are some objects that you use that produce light and do not use reflected light? Cell phones TV Computer screen

4 How fast is it? Which is faster, the speed
of sound or the speed of light? Light Any guesses how much faster? If you shine a flashlight at a mirror 170 meters away, it takes sec to go there and come back. If you shout and it echo's back, it would take 1 full second Light travels at about a million times faster than sound (light 86,000 mi/s and sound .21 mi/s)

5 Light can bounce and bend
Reflection When it bounces off a surface Refraction When it moves from one medium into another and bends Pencil in water

6 Vision and Color White light – what is it? So, what is color?
Light composed of all the colors So, what is color? Color is how we perceive the energy of light. Colors represent light of different energies Red has the lowest energy Violet has the highest energy

7 How we see color On the surface of the retina, there are photoreceptors. The cells release a chemical signal that travels along the optic nerve to the brain where it is translated into a perception of color Two types of photoreceptors Cones-3 types-They respond to the 3 primary colors (RGB) Rods-respond to differences in intensity and not color.

8 How we see colors Additive colors
3 photoreceptors (cones) operate together The color you see depends on the energy received by each type of cone cell. When equal amounts of red and green light reach your eyes, you see yellow RGB is used for anything that emits light Additive colors

9 Subtractive colors Chemicals, known as pigments, in the dyes and paints absorb some colors and reflect others They work by taking away colors from white light Magenta absorbs green and reflects red and blue CMYK is used for anything that reflects light

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