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Data Collection Contact

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1 Data Collection Contact
C1 Staff Oct Professional Personnel Review September 20, 2017 Data Collection Contact Brian West & Shane Truesdale Office of Data Quality

2 PIMS Collections How-to Guides
Staff & Support Personnel guides are available: PDE > Teachers & Administrators > PIMS October Staff Data Set (Word) Support Personnel

3 Purpose of Staff Collection
The data set is designed to capture all professional-level positions and the people filling those positions in a Local Education Agency (LEA). October staff data is used in several ways: Inform Pennsylvania education support decisions. Provide summary statistics for display in School Performance Profiles (SPPs) / Future Ready PA Index. Inform teacher certification processes with data describing experience. Fulfill federal reporting requirements (EDFacts). Provide the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS) vendor with termination data for use in accounts management. Populate the Pennsylvania Educator Effectiveness Rating System (PEERS) system with demographic data, saving users substantial data entry time.

4 Purpose of Staff Collection
The October Staff data set contains several important pieces of information including: Positions in an LEA. This excludes vacancies. Salaries for all professional staff. Education Level (Highest Degree received) Recent terminations (defined as leaving the LEA, regardless of reason). Demographic characteristics of employees, used in summary reports. Years of experience, both in an LEA and in the school system.

5 Staff: What Templates? Staff Template Staff Snapshot Template
Cumulative record of all staff (terminated and non-terminated) Required to submit Staff Assignment and Staff Snapshot templates Staff Snapshot Template Demographic record of all staff for a single school year as of a specific date Staff Assignment Template Report staff assignments for a given school year Percent of time allocated to each assignment

6 Staff: Which Template? Active Staff – Must be uploaded in Staff, Staff Snapshot, and Staff Assignment templates A – Active M – Military Leave S – Sabbatical Leave U – Suspension O – Other H – Charter School W – Workers’ Compensation Terminated Staff – Must be uploaded in Staff and Staff Snapshot templates Terminated PA Inspired Leadership (PIL) staff members must also be reported in Staff assignment template

7 Staff Collection Reminders
All staff data must be: Submitted using a valid Professional Personnel ID (PPID) Reported for open schools with student enrollments Report long-term substitutes in the October collection only if they are filling a vacancy Staff assignment data is used to update TIMS All intermediate units report staff at location code 0000

8 Staff Assignment Reminder
Every LEA must have one (and only one) chief school administrator School staff must be reported in all active schools where they work LEA administrators should be reported at location 0000, not in every school Single location LEAs such as Charter Schools and AVTSs/CTCs report all staff at the single school location, not 0000 Assignments are summed for all duties and locations Full-time staff percent time assigned must total 100 percent Part-time staff percent time assigned must total less than 100 percent

9 Staff Assignment Preparation
For each non-terminated staff you should know: Every school where they work in your LEA Every assignment they have The percent of time dedicated to each assignment Active staff duties for the year Assignment is based on duties, not on job title or certification Major assignments Staff on leave are reported as if active Primary Assignment Indicator - Y/N indicator denotes which assignment best reflects the salary for that staff member. Only one assignment record per person may contain a Y in this field. All other assignment records must contain an N Determines position category

10 Staff Assignment Warning
Most fields in the Staff Assignment Template are key fields. You cannot upload changes into key fields. If you make an error in a key field you must request a deletion and then upload a new record. “Percent Time Assigned” and “Completion Date” are the only updateable fields in this template.

11 Terminated Staff Report staff as terminated when staff:
Are no longer employed at your LEA, for any reason Were reported in error in prior years Report terminations occurring between one day after the previous year’s snapshot and the current year’s snapshot Staff Assignment Template is not required for terminated staff, unless they need to be reported for PA-Inspired Leadership (PIL)

12 Which Cognos Reports? Run Staff Snapshot & Staff Assignment Template Details Reports in Excel® Run Staff Profile Reports > Error Reports Professional Personnel Edits Previous Year Non-Terminated Staff Not in Current Year Staff Snapshot Years Experience & Years Experience in District CY-PY Update LEA source system if errors are identified in the error reports Re-upload updated files into PIMS

13 Run the Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) Often
Wait 90 minutes after the refresh at 5:30 a.m. or noon Run the ACS after correcting errors identified by the error reports Review the ACS for accuracy Run error reports if you have errors in the ACS Run and submit the signed ACS only after all errors have been corrected

14 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: File Manager
Staff Assignment - Invalid Completion Date If Assignment Code - [Field #3] does not contain a PIL Assignment (1100, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1111, 1112, 1150, 1155, 1160, 1165, 2300) Then Completion Date - [Field #7] must be greater then the Snapshot Date of the Collection (ex ) Staff Assignment - Percent time assigned > 0 Then Percent Time Assigned - [Field #18] must be greater then 0. (FTE)

15 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: File Manager
Address Validation Address – [Field #76] This field will be used in conjunction with: Job Description – [Field #8] to create PVAAS user accounts. Work addresses are strongly recommended. Must be a valid address: user name, "at symbol" domain and extension. Example:

16 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: Batch Manager
PIMS & TIMS; FirstName(3) & DOB Check Accurate reporting of birth date will be important for school year Birth Date - [Field #40] First Name Long – [Field #65] (first 3 characters) DQE will now compare field values reported in the STAFF & STAFF SNAPSHOT files against the first name and birth date that is currently reported in each staff members profile in TIMS. If bad data reported in TIMS is in error, the staff member must login to TIMS and update their profile.

17 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: Batch Manager
Staff Assignment – Invalid Location Code Administrative positions must be reported at (Applies to IU, SD, SJCI) Classroom Teacher positions must not be reported at (Does not apply to IUs) Staff Snapshot – Verify Annual Salary ANNUAL SALARY – [Field #52] < OR >

18 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: Batch Manager
Staff Snapshot - Duplicate Terminations STAFF ID – [Field #2] EXIT DATE – [Field #36] ACTIVE/INACTIVE INDICATOR – [Field #41] = T Select terminations of incoming template, and will query PIMS warehouse for prior year Staff Snapshot (October). We then verify that same combination does not exist. If a record match is found in prior year, this is an error. PIMS Business Rule: Staff reported on the previous year’s snapshot as active or on leave who are no longer employed by LEA must be reported as terminated only in the first snapshot following their termination. Do not continue to report terminated staff in successive years.

19 C1 Staff Oct 2017-18 DQE: Batch Manager
Staff Snapshot - Annual Salary >=25% CY-PY CY Staff ID = PY Staff ID CY Active Status = PY Active Status (<>Terminated) CY Staff Type = PY Staff Type CY Category = PY Category * When Percent Change in Annual Salary >= 25%; this is a Warning/Error *Category is determined by Primary Assignment (Yes) of Staff Member. Administrative Classroom Teacher Coordinate Services Other Professional Personnel

20 For more information on the Staff Data Set please visit PDE’s website at
The mission of the department is to academically prepare children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. The department seeks to ensure that the technical support, resources and opportunities are in place for all students, whether children or adults, to receive a high quality education.

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