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LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine

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1 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Consultant chest physician Baghdad College of Medicine 2014 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013 LUNG CANCER

2 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
objectives At the end of this lecture, the student should be able to: Define the types of lung cancer. Describe common clinical symptoms Relate presentation of the disease to the underlying mechanism. List radiological abnormalities. Outline therapeutic lines. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

3 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Case 1 A 55 years-old smoker man presented with cough, hemoptysis, unilateral chest pain and dyspnea for 3 months. Later on, fever, greenish sputum, and increasing dyspnea developed. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

4 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
He felt unwell and his appetite was decreased. General examination showed finger clubbing. Chest examination revealed decreased chest expansion, dull percussion and bronchial breathing on auscultation on one side. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

5 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Chest-X Ray showed an abnormal lung shadow and pneumonia-like lesion. Antibiotic given but, pneumonia didn’t resolve completely. How can you manage this patient? LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

6 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Case 2 A 61 years-old smoker man, presented with left shoulder pain for 4 months that is poorly respond to analgesics. He also complained from weakness of left upper limb and bone pain in both wrists and feet. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

7 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Later on, swelling in his face, upper chest, and both upper limbs started to develop. Arrows: Dilated neck veins Dilated lower chest veins LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

8 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
On examination, the left eye and pupil looked smaller than the right, and his neck veins looked distended. Chest X-ray showed right apical abnormal lung lesion with upper rib erosion. How can you approach this patient problem? LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

9 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Case 3 A non smoker 45 years-old women with history of ovarian tumor presented with mild dyspnea. OE: Non-specific lung findings. CXR shows multiple nodules of different size. What’s your primary impression? LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

10 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Introduction The term lung cancer, or ’ bronchogenic carcinoma’ refers to malignancies that originate in the airways or pulmonary parenchyma. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

11 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Lung cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer worldwide, causing 1.4 million deaths per year The prognosis remains poor, with fewer than 30% of patients surviving at 1 year and 6–8% at 5 years. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

12 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Etiological factors Lung cancer occurs through a complex process that results from the combination of carcinogen exposure and genetic susceptibility. A number of lifestyle and environmental risk factors have been associated with the development of lung cancer. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

13 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Cigarette smoking is by far the most important cause of lung cancer. It is thought to be directly responsible for at least 90% of lung carcinomas. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

14 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Etiological factors LUNG CANCER ENVIRU-MENT Genetic SMOKING LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

15 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Smoking Cigarette smoking responsible for at least 90% of lung carcinomas. Compared with nonsmokers, smokers have an ,20-fold increase in lung cancer risk, depending on: Duration of smoking Number of cigarettes smoked per day. Passive smoking increases the risk of bronchial carcinoma. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

16 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Other risk factors Underlying acquired lung diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary fibrosis) Environmental exposures – often with smoking- (asbestos, radon, metals, ionising radiation including previous radiotherapy and petroleum products ). LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

17 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Pathology Bronchial carcinomas arise from the bronchial epithelium or mucous glands LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

18 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of malignant lung tumours Pre-invasive lesions. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): 1) Squamous cell carcinoma 2) Adenocarcinoma 3) Large cell carcinoma. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

19 Percents of lung cancers histopath. types
Cell type % Squamous 35 Adenocarcinoma 30 Small-cell 20 Large-cell 15 Recently became the most frequent one LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

20 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Small-cell carcinoma It arises from endocrine cells . Many polypeptide hormones are secreted by these tumors The tumor is rapidly growing ,highly malignant and spreads early so, it is almost always inoperable at presentation. It responds to chemotherapy but the prognosis remains poor. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

21 Non-small-cell carcinoma
Squamous carcinoma: Common location is central (in major bronchus). Most present as obstructive lesions of the bronchus leading to infection. It occasionally cavitates (10%) at presentation. Local spread is common but widespread metastases occur relatively late. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

22 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Adenocarcinoma : Common location is peripheral. Arises from mucous cells in the bronchial epithelium. Commonnly metastases to the brain and bones. More common in non-smokers, in women, and in the elderly. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

23 How can patient with lung cancer present to you?
The majority of patients with lung cancer have advanced disease at clinical presentation, which reflects the frequent asymptomatic course of early stage lung cancer. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

24 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Later on, patient may present with one or more of the following ( according to history and exam.) General symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss and asthenia. Intrathoracic tumor effect. Metastasis Paraneoplastic syndrom LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

25 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
General symptoms Such as anorexia, weight loss and weakness, loss of appetite. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

26 2. Intrathoracic effects
Bronchial obstruction Common presentation. May lead to pneumonia, which is often the first clinical manifestation of a bronchial carcinoma, Recurrent pneumonia at the same site or pneumonia which is slow to respond to treatment, particularly in a smoker, should immediately suggest the possibility of bronchial carcinoma. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

27 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Cough Is the most common early symptom (central airway or pleural involvement) . Haemoptysis, Invasion of a vessel. Chest pain Malignant invasion of the pleura, although it can occur with distal infection. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

28 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Dyspnoea Lobar / total lung collapse or massive pleural effusion. Hoarseness Recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement. Stridor A harsh inspiratory noise occurs when the lower trachea, carina or main bronchi are narrowed by the primary tumor or by lymph nodes. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

29 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Superior vena cava syndrome Dilated neck veins, facial oedema occurs due to SVC obstrucion by lung tumor. Phrenic nerve paralysis Causes unilateral diaphragmatic palsy Pleural effusion Involvement of the pleura may produce a pleural rub or signs of pleural effusion LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

30 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Superior sulcus, or pancoast’s tumor , Occur due to tumor present in the upper lung lobe that invades nearby structures. e.g. brachial plexus resulting in neuropathy with pain, numbness, weakness of the arm and hand muscle atrophy (Pancoast's syndrom) LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

31 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Pancoast tumor In this patient with shoulder pain, a mass (white arrows) is seen in the left lung apex on CXR (A). Pancoast's syndrom Pain, numbness, weakness of the arm and hand muscle atrophy LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

32 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Note: A smoker, elderly patient with unilateral shoulder pain may have bronchogenic carcinoma as one diagnostic possibilities. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

33 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Brain metastasis 3) Metastasis Symptoms occur due to blood-borne metastases. The most frequent sites of distant metastasis are the: liver: (pain, jaundice, constitutional symptoms). adrenal glands: usualy asymptomatic. Bones: (pain), brain: (headache, paresis, personality change, seizures) skin: (nodules) Liver metastasis LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

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Metastasis.. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

35 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Metastasis.. lymphangitis carcinomatosa These lines represent lymphatics infiltrated by tumour. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

36 4.Paraneoplastic syndrome
Non-metastatic symptoms due to paraneoplastic syndrom include: Endocrine : Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion causing hyponatraemia Ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) secretion leading to Cushing’s syndrom. small- cell lung ca LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

37 Paraneoplastic syndrome…
Hypercalcaemia due to secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related peptides. Carcinoid syndrome. Gynaecomastia. Squamous cell ca LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

38 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Neurological : Neuropathy Myelopathy (spinal cord involvement) Myasthenia (Lambert-Eaton syndrome) Other : Digital clubbing (Hypertrophic pulmonary steoarthropathy HPOA) Eosinophilia Clubbing LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

39 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPO) Characterized by periostitis of the long bones, most commonly the distal tibia, fibula, radius and ulna. This gives rise to pain and tenderness over the affected bones and often pitting oedema over the anterior aspect of the shin. X-rays of the painful bones show subperiosteal new bone formation. Clubbing is part of HPO. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

40 Warning signs of lung ca
Change in respirations Cough that is persistent Change in sputum Weight loss Chest pain Recurring respiratory disorders such as pneumonia or bronchitis LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

41 Diagnosis of lung cancer
History and examination Investigations Radiology: CXR CT and MRI PET scan Sputum cytology Bronchoscopy brush/biopsy Transthoracic biopsy under- US or CT guide Thoracotomy for tumor biopsy Detecting the tumor site Detecting the tumor type LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

42 Sputum Squamous cell carcinoma
LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

43 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Radiology Unilateral hilar enlargement Peripheral pulmonary opacity Lung, lobe or segmental collapse Pleural effusion Broadening of mediastinum, Enlarged cardiac shadow, Elevation of a hemidiaphragm Rib destruction LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

44 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine

45 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine

46 Large cavitated bronchial carcinoma in left lower lobe.
LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

47 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Radiology lobar collapse & pneumonitis The most frequent finding is a mass in the lung field. Secondary manifestations seen on the CXR include lobar collapse, total lung collapse, pneumonitis because of endobronchial obstruction, elevation of the hemidiaphragm, Elevation of the hemidiaphragm LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

48 Radiology.. Computerized Tomography CT- chest
Add more detailed anatomical information and detect pulmonary lymph node enlargement more clearly. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

49 Positron Emition tomography (PET)
May shows markedly increased activity at the same area, indicative of very high metabolic activity and a high probability of malignancy. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

50 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Bronchoscopy Is the appropriate test for centrally located tumors, where a pathological diagnosis will be obtained in ,90% of cases, by means of forceps biopsy, bronchial brushing or washing. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

51 Staging Non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer
TNM (Tumor, lymph Node, Metastasis) classification of Non-small cell lung cancer, e.g. T3N1M0. Small cell lung cancer Small cell lung cancer is divided into limited and extensive stage disease. NB: Tumor staging defines the prognosis and guides management. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

52 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Treatment Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

53 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Treatment of NSCLC For medically operable patients : surgical resection ± chemotherapy. Medically inoperable patients: radiotherapy. In advanced stage: chemotherapy plus radiotherapy. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

54 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Treatment of SCLC Chemotherapy in combination with thoracic radiotherapy and prophylactic cranial irradiation. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

55 General treatment measures
Radiotherapy plays an important role in palliation of local problems such as superior vena cava syndrome, haemoptysis, postobstructive pneumonia, bone pain and brain metastasis. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

56 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Secondary lung tumors LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

57 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Secondary lung tumors Metastases in the lung are very common and usually present as round shadows ( cm diameter). They may be detected on chest X-ray in patients already diagnosed as having carcinoma. Typical sites for the primary tumor include the kidney, prostate, breast, bone, gastrointestinal tract, cervix and ovary. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

58 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Metastases nearly always develop in the parenchyma and are often relatively asymptomatic even when the chest X-ray shows extensive pulmonary metastases ( cannon ball metastasis) LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

59 Now can you answer the questions related to case 1 and 2 ?
LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

60 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Summary Lung cancer is a tumor arising from within the lung. It may represents the primary site or may be metastatic Histopath. Types: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): 1) Squamous cell carcinoma: 2) Adenocarcinoma: 3) Large cell carcinoma. LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

61 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
Staged by: Tumor Node Metastasis Treated by: Radiation Surgery Chemotherapy This is the TNM classification system LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

62 LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine
A 68 years old man, with 80 pack-year smoking history presented with dyspnea, cough, blood streaks sputum, and weight loss over the last 4 months. On examination, tempreture 36.90, looks pale, emaciated, with limited chest expansion over right lung, dull percussion and bronchial breathing sound. The most likely diagnosis is: Pulmonary TB Post pneumonic effusion Lung cancer Pulmonary edema LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

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Thank you LUNG CANCER - Dr. Mustafa Nema- Baghdad College of Medicine 2013

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