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Work plan of the project and dissemination ideas

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Presentation on theme: "Work plan of the project and dissemination ideas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Work plan of the project and dissemination ideas

2 Aim of the project Our project aims to strengthen the training path of future school educators by focusing on training outcomes to be used in teacher training organisations (as well as in schools). The final objective is to enhance education for pupils by leading a change in emphasis for schools in respect of their provision and focus.

3 Meetings of the project
Meeting 1: January-February Las Palmas, ES --Meeting 2: May 2016, London, UK --Meeting 3: Oct/ Nov, 2016, Thessaloniki, GR --Meeting 4: June 2017, Las Palmas, ES

4 Levels of the project University level School level Gym level
Cross-sectoral collaboration

5 University level Preparation of 6 modules
2 modules per partner Development of the modules (2nd partner meeting) Refinement and translation of the modules (3rd partner meeting) Support school level activities throughout the lifetime of the project Support gym level activities

6 Quality assurance and impact evaluation
Dissemination Multiplier events throughout the lifetime of the project Quality assurance and impact evaluation Distribution of evaluation forms Evaluation of project’s meetings Evaluation of project activities Biannual quality assurance reports

7 School level Collaborative activities
Will be decided in the meeting E-twinning, Skype and other types of online communication Dissemination Teachers Students

8 Gym level Exchange of good practices
Organize joint activities aiming at pupils’ health and well-being

9 Cross-sectoral collaboration
Feedback and input on the modules Development of the modules (2nd partner meeting) Translation of the modules (3rd partner meeting) Implementation of the modules (4th partner meeting) Dissemination Joint activities Quality assurance and impact evaluation Feedback and input on project activities

10 Dissemination School/university/gym level Regional/national level
Teachers/Professors/instructors Students/exercisers Regional/national level ‘School advisors’ Educational authorities NGOs/educational associations

11 Dissemination Academic community National conferences
International conferences Publications in peer-reviewed journals Conceptual articles Empirical articles

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