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What resources around you could you use as tools to help you survive?

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Presentation on theme: "What resources around you could you use as tools to help you survive?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What resources around you could you use as tools to help you survive?
Warm Up Brainstorm how you might survive in an outdoor environment without grocery stores, restaurants, transportation, etc. What challenges would you face if you had to support yourself by living off the land at this time of year? What resources around you could you use as tools to help you survive? What if you not only had to support yourself, but also care for your children? What additional challenges might you face?

2 Quote of the day!!!

3 Objective- SWBAT understand the mystery of the lost colony of Roanoke

4 The success of Spain’s colonies in the Americas did not go unnoticed
The success of Spain’s colonies in the Americas did not go unnoticed. England became very interested in the rich opportunities available on the other side of the Atlantic. In 1584 England’s Queen Elizabeth gave Sir Walter Raleigh the right to claim land in North America.

5 Video Clip Lost colony of Roanoke




9 In 1587, 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children went to Roanoke along with their leader named John White. John White returned to England for supplies and when he returned to Roanoke the whole town had disappeared

10 To this day no one knows what happened to the people of Roanoke
To this day no one knows what happened to the people of Roanoke. Can you formulate any hypothesis on what happened? (Turn and talk)

11 Independent Practice Read the passage titled, “The Mystery of Roanoke” and answer the comprehension questions.

12 Group Work You will be broken up into groups and be asked to create theories on what happened to the people of Roanoke. You must support your theory!!! *Must come up with at least 2 theories

13 Homework Complete Jamestown worksheet

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