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WHAP April 17-may 25.

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1 WHAP April 17-may 25

2 Monday, April 17 Study Groups: Final Review Project (Directions/overview posted on Edmodo) Handouts: Final Schedule Cram Packet (overview of curriculum content) Era Snapshots for planning of curtain content Shower Curtains are the beginning of class Thursday. You will be peer grading in a Gallery walk

3 Tuesday, April 18 Study Groups: Final Review Project (Directions/overview posted on Edmodo) Handouts: Cram Packet (overview of curriculum content) Era Snapshots for planning of curtain content Shower Curtains are the beginning of class Thursday. You will be peer grading in a Gallery walk

4 Wednesday, April 19 Study Groups: Final Review Project (Directions/overview posted on Edmodo) Handouts: Cram Packet (overview of curriculum content) Era Snapshots for planning of curtain content Shower Curtains are the beginning of class Thursday. You will be peer grading in a Gallery walk

5 Thursday, April 20 Your ap checkout forms are due Friday!!!!!
When you are finished, bring your curtain to me so we can hang them today Be sure names are on them please!!! Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Next week: Mock MC Exam and dbq Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

6 Friday, April 21 AP Bubbling: You will need a pencil
Peer Grading/Gallery Walk: Each student will do their own peer grading Your ap checkout forms are due today!!!!! Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Next week: Mock MC Exam and dbq Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

7 Monday, April 24 Mock MC: 55 Questions (55 minutes) 8:30- 9:25
DBQ: 55 Mins 9:45-10:40 Peer Grading: Shower Curtain Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

8 Tuesday, April 25 Mock MC: 50 Questions (55 minutes) 8:30- 9:25
7th: MC 12:55-1:45, DBQ 2:05- 3:00 Peer Grading: Shower Curtain (Time permitting: Be sure to turn them in regardless) Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

9 Wednesday, April 26 Mock MC: 50 Questions (55 minutes) 8:30- 9:25
DBQ 9:45-10:40 Peer Grading: Shower Curtain (Time permitting: Be sure to turn them in regardless) Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

10 Thursday, April 27 Mock MC: 50 Questions (55 minutes) 8:30- 9:25
DBQ 9:45-10:40 Peer Grading: Shower Curtain (Time permitting: Be sure to turn them in regardless) Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!!

11 Friday, April 28 Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward Bring pencils and pens!!! You must write your essays in pen!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class next Friday: so please do the online one before Monday, May 8

12 Monday, May 1 Peer grade Shower curtains Kahoot challenge announcement
LEQ handout Bring your crampackets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward: in your spare time (Not free time) take advantage and review!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class Friday: so please do the online one before Monday, May 8

13 Tuesday, may 2 6th Period: Practice DBQ  Valkyrie
1st: Conclude Grading shower/LEQ 7th: Valkyrie Bring your cram packets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward: in your spare time (Not free time) take advantage and review!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class Friday: so please do the online one before Monday, May 8

14 Wednesday, may 3 3rd: Practice test/DBQ for those who did not do it last week Freeman Review packets (also must be returned along with your cram packet for a Grade!) LEQ Review/handout Bring your cram packets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward: in your spare time (Not free time) take advantage and review!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class Friday (those out will do it the following Tuesday): so please do the online one before Monday, May 8

15 Thursday, may 4 LEQ Review/handout (3rd)
Freeman Review packets (also must be returned along with your cram packet for a Grade!) Bring your cram packets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward: in your spare time (Not free time) take advantage and review!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class Friday (those out will do it the following Tuesday): so please do the online one before Monday, May 8

16 Friday, may 5 Practice Test 2
Bring your cram packets and your Princeton review books to class from this point forward: in your spare time (Not free time) take advantage and review!! One practice test will be on your “get a 5” account: you can only take this once and you may need to finish once you start You will take your 2nd one in class Friday (those out will do it the following Tuesday): so please do the online one before Monday, May 8


18 Monday, May 8 Practice Test 2 (if you were absent on Friday) Test review for those who have completed Practice 1 & 2 Turn your textbook in to me Asap!!

19 Reminders

20 Reminders Get a good night sleep: in bed by 7:30 (jk…..but not really!) Eat a good, nutritious breakfast Bring pens, pencils and watch (not a smart watch) Answer everything! Don’t leave anything blank Pace yourself on the dbq/leq Remember the formats and do a quick outline to maximize points and save from unnecessary writing! Best of luck to you! May the odds be ever in your favor!!

Your final grade will be a quiz on the video so pay attention! It is a short answer quiz, not mc Turn in your books to me, not on the stack Turn in your cram packets, Freeman Packets and DBQ self-graded essay

22 Tuesday, May 16 TOMORROW: Schindler’s list
Your final grade will be a quiz on the video so pay attention! It is a short answer quiz, not mc Turn in your books to me, not on the stack Turn in your cram packets, Freeman Packets and DBQ self- graded essay

23 Wednesday, May 17 Schindler’s list: final grade so pay attention!!!
Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Your self-graded dbq

24 Thursday, May 18 Schindler’s list: final grade so pay attention!!!
Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Your self-graded dbq

25 Friday, may 19 Schindler’s list: final grade so pay attention!!!
Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Your self-graded dbq

26 Monday, may 22 2nd: 8:15-10:55 (Exam)
1st: 11:00-12:35 (Review: A lunch) 3rd: 12:35-1:30 4th: 1:35-2:20 6th: 2:25-3:20 Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Grade printout signing off on grade??

27 Tuesday, may 23 1st: 8:15-10:55 (Exam)
7th: 11:00-12:35 (Review: A lunch) 4th: 12:40-3:20 (Exam) Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Grade printout signing off on grade??

28 Wednesday, may 24 3rd: 8:15-10:55 (Exam)
5th: 11:00-12:35 (Review: A lunch) 6th: 12:40-3:20 (Exam) Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Grade printout signing off on grade??

29 Thursday, may 25 5th: 8:15-10:55 (Exam)
4th: 11:00-12:35 (Review: A lunch) 7th: 12:40-3:20 (Exam) Have you turned in: Your book Freeman packet Cram packet Grade printout signing off on grade??

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