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Thank you for coming tonight

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for coming tonight"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for coming tonight
Thank you for coming tonight! Please take our Parent Survey on the Chromebook while we wait to get started. Open the Chromebook Click on the “App” button Select Parent Survey

2 The Power to be Your Best! Mrs. Kushin 6th Grade 2016-2017
Welcome to DCIS The Power to be Your Best! Mrs. Kushin 6th Grade

3 About Mrs. Kushin

4 Communication Weekly folders (sent home Friday)
Parent/Guardian to record grades each week, sign and return on Monday Grades online Teacher Web PACK planners

5 Websites

6 Ratios and Proprotional Relationships
Math Ratios and Proprotional Relationships Statistics and Probability The Number System Geometry Expressions and Equations

7 How can I be successful in math?
Go online to review the lesson Have your math notes and book OPEN when completing homework Complete extra credit (online quizzes, vocabulary cards, and homework) Complete Grade First Aide (GFA) Don’t be afraid to ask questions in class Make an appointment to see me before or after school if you need help

8 Shaping Earth's Surface
Science Earth's Resources Ecology Earth's Oceans Plate Tectonics Shaping Earth's Surface

9 How can I be successful in science?
Re-read each section at home Review science notes and vocabulary online Complete science workbook and study guides Study for quizzes and tests Complete Grade First Aide (GFA) Turn in science projects on time

10 6th Grade Science Camp Date: March 27th-29th
Pali Mountain Science Camp is in Running Springs, California Teachers attend camp with students and administrators visit each day

11 Thank you for spending your evening in your child’s new classroom
Thank you for spending your evening in your child’s new classroom. I look forward to a successful year with all of my new students.

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