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Third Grade Curriculum night

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1 Third Grade Curriculum night
Mrs. Hanks Math and Science Mrs. Pierson Reading Language Arts and Social Studies School Year

2 Departmentalized Teaching!
Meet the Teacher Departmentalized Teaching! Mrs. Hanks teaches both classes Science and Math. Mrs. Pierson teaches both classes Language Arts and Social Studies.

3 Important Information
Please sign into the office any time you come onto campus. The Front Office is now our single point of entrance and exit. The safety of our students is our top priority. Check the Bear Lake Pawprint our school information newspaper for parents paper copy comes home each month or it is one the Bear Lake website If you are interested in student insurance, you can pick up information in the front office.

4 Your Child’s Education
New Florida Standards replace the Sunshine State Standards More information found at Standards are a based on Common Core plus Florida Standards New rigorous standards will prepare the students for Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) later this year. We also give several progress monitoring assessments to the students throughout the year to see how they are progressing towards the Florida Standards Assessment. One progress monitors is the Scholastic Reading Inventory (which the students are taking in technology next week) Your child will be bringing home a sign-in and password to MOBY MAX for math.

5 Math and Science Daily Schedule
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 8:35-8:50 Students unpack and get ready for the day 8:50-9:20 LEAP Math 9:20-9:40 9:40- 10:20 (W9:35-10:10) Specials 10:20-11:30 Finish Math 11:30-12:15 Lunch/Recess 12:15-12:45 Math/Science 12:45 PM Switch Classes 1:45-1:50 Pack Up 12:45-2:10 1:50-2:05 Dismissal 2:05-2:45 Science 2:45-2:50 Pack Up 2:50-3:05 Dismissal

6 Pierson/Reading, LA Daily Schedule
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 8:35-8:50 Students unpack and get ready for the day 8:50-9:20 LEAP Reading 9:20-9:40 Reading/Lang. Arts, Soc. Studies 9:40- 10:20 (W9:35-10:10) Specials 10:20-11:20 10:55-11:20 Finish Reading, Switch Classes 11:20-11:54 11:20- 11:54 Math 11:51-12:21 Lunch 12:24-12:45 Finish up Reading Block 12:24-1:45 Reading 12:45 PM Switch Classes 1:45-1:50 Pack Up 12:45-2:05 1:50-2:05 Dismissal 2:05-2:45 2:45-2:50 Pack Up 2:50-3:05 Dismissal

7 Mrs. Pierson – Specials Schedule
Day 1 Technology Day 2 PE Day 3 Art Day 4 PE Day 5 Music Day 6 PE

8 Mrs. Hanks - Specials Schedule
Day 1 PE Day 2 Music Day 3 PE Day 4 Technology Day 5 PE Day 6 Art

9 Arrival and Dismissal The first bell rings at 8:35 and students are tardy after 8:40. Students wait in the Holding Den (Auditorium.) Please have your child here on time! Students must sign in at the office after 9:00 Car riders are dismissed at 2:50 (1:50 on Wednesday) If you park your car to pick your child up, you must sign in at the office. Children cannot be dismissed out of their classroom before walkers are called at 3:05 (2:05 on Wednesday) If your child is a walker or a bike rider, please have a rainy day plan in place. Call the office with a change of transportation

10 Red Tuesday Folders Every Tuesdays your child takes home a red Tuesday Folder with all graded papers in it. There is a sheet in the back sleeve with the date and a place for you to sign letting us know you have reviewed the papers with your child. Please sign the folder and return on Wednesday or the very next day so that we can begin organizing for the next week. If your student receives a grade below 70% in math we ask that you sign that graded paper, have your student correct it in a different color and return it to me within one week.

11 Homework/ Pierson Homework is daily and sometimes varies
Monday – Spelling 3X’s each, study vocabulary, read at least 20 minutes Tuesday – Spelling ABC order, study vocabulary, read! Wednesday – 10 Spelling sentences, Grammar Worksheet, study vocabulary Thursday – Read, study vocabulary Students are expected to read at least 2 chapter books per month Spelling & Reading Menu options coming soon!

12 Homework for Math and Science
Math homework will be from their student practice book. Please post any websites that are sent home near a computer for your child to use. If they find a bug, encourage them to go online to identify it. We will be doing some at-home projects All information will be sent home in planners Please have your child practice their multiplication facts often.

13 Conferences We will be scheduling conferences once we have gotten more academic information about your child Both teachers will be in attendance Thank you for filling out the “Homework for Parents” form that gives us insight into your child

14 Behavior We do have high expectations with our students when it comes to behavior. Our school follows five behaviors that we expect from our students everyday: Strive for growth, Be Safe, Be accepting, Be respectful, Be honest. When we see a student showing these behaviors they will be rewarded with a Star Bear and be entered into a class and school drawing. Some rewards are: Star Bears, Good note or phone call, treasure box, tickets, table points, Star Student of the Week, Homework treats (occasionally) or passes, Table Winners It is important for your child to know that just by talking about the expected behavior in the classroom that both their teachers and parents are working together to help them be their best. Please talk to your child about listening. You can ask them How do you know that you have listened? Are you thinking about what your teacher is talking about and showing you? Are you using the example on the board or in your book? Where can you look if you are not sure how to complete the problem?

15 Planners Each student is expected to have a planner taken home and brought back each day. In the planner they will write their homework and other important information for that day. The planner must come back to school each day signed by an adult. This will be our main daily source of communication. We will check planners everyday for notes from parents. Please write your emergency contact numbers inside your child’s planner.

16 MRS. HANKS CLASS DOJO In our classroom, I give Dojo Points. You can check your child’s Dojo Points each day. Download the app for Class Dojo onto your phone. Points are turned in for rewards. Students may get POINTS for being prepared, good listening, doing all their homework, turning in Tuesday Folders the next day, turning in Report Card envelopes, to those students who have gone over and above classroom expectations, plus many more reasons!

17 Pierson Treasure Box Tickets
In our classroom we also give out Treasure Box Tickets! Students may get tickets for being prepared, good listening, doing all their homework, turning in Tuesday Folders the next day, Report Card envelopes, to those students who have gone over and above classroom expectations, plus many more reasons! We earn Table Points for good behavior too!

18 Pencils It is extremely important that your student comes to class with 4-5 sharpened pencils each day. There are only a few minutes in the morning before the 1st bell to sharpen pencils, but time is limited. During classroom time it is very disruptive for the students to be getting up to sharpen pencils. They may have mechanical pencils as long as the putting in the lead does not cause a distraction during class time

19 Math and Science text book online
Math practice book online (use if homework is forgotten) User name and password is on the front of the planner (coming soon) Most students already know their sign-in and password Use the student portal

20 E - Reading Textbook, leveled readers, activities, and games online
Access though the student portal No workbook page access

21 Grades & Expectations Grade Scale A B C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F Students must pass the FSA or a reading portfolio that demonstrates mastery of 3rd grade reading standards in order to be promoted to 4th grade.

22 Parent information network to access your child’s grades and attendance online!
Bring your application with an ID to the front office to sign up The applications can also be found on the SCPS and Bear Lake websites

23 Dividends In order to come into the classroom to volunteer, for parties, or as a chaperone on a field trip, you must be registered as a dividend. To do this go to the Seminole County homepage and click on the department tab. This will take you to the dividends webpage and there is a link you can click to register. You can also register on the Bear Lake homepage. It takes time for approval so please register well in advance before coming into the classroom.

24 Lunchroom Please sign in at the office if you come to eat with your child You will be able to eat with your child at the picnic tables outside the lunchroom When your child goes to Base Camp, parents will exit from the front office

25 PTA We have a fabulous PTA at this school which supports the school, teachers, and students We are now participating in the major fundraiser of the year- Boosterthon Fun Run tomorrow at 10:00!! (Due to the weather, it will be inside were space is limited—sorry no spectators.) BACK YARD BOX OFFICE!!!

26 Mrs. Hanks Contact Information/ Wish list Classroom Phone Number - Wish list - ink: HP 60 color and black ink Computer paper Candy for treasure box Website is next to our names on the Bear Lake website under staff

27 Mrs. Pierson Contact Information/ Wish list Classroom Phone Number - Wish list- Computer paper Ink Cartridges HP 932 and HP 933

28 How Can You Help? Talk to your child about what they learn each day
Ask them about their Learning goals Please be supportive and encouraging—sometimes school is hard!! Plan for your child to read at least 20 minutes each day (30 is better!) Plan for your child to complete his/her homework each day Check homework and planner every day Ask who, what, where, when, why, how questions about what they read Ask them to make connections from what they read to real life experiences or other books they have read Encourage them to keep a reading journal or spiral notebook Expect your child to be successful by helping them be responsible and organized Volunteer at school! Have your child explain math & reading strategies they have learned Practice multiplication facts often Check homework for accuracy

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