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HVRP Best Practices National Veterans Technical Assistance Center

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1 HVRP Best Practices National Veterans Technical Assistance Center
NVTAC is working with HVRP grantees to move toward practices that can be described, measured and evaluated and that are most likely to lead homeless veterans to a successful outcome. There is very limited research available on what practices work with homeless veterans to help them identify their occupational choice, secure employment in that occupation and maintain their connection to the labor market. While overall HVRPs have high rates of employment placements and job retention, what specific practices or interventions produce those results is not clear. Nor is it clear as to what effect the screening process has on outcomes. For example, are HVRPs successful because they enroll only those homeless veterans most likely to succeed? Are HVRPs successful because of the constellation of practices they use with any veteran choosing to work? In this slide presentation, we first describe general guiding principles that seem prevalent among HVRPs and that are principles for which there is some research as well as consensus that these values should guide service delivery. We then present 10 Best Practice Elements as a first attempt to organize and describe what it is that HVRPs do to help veterans get and keep jobs. HVRP Best Practices

2 Guiding Principles of HVRP Practice
The goal of ending homelessness is achieved thru competitive employment and linkages to housing. Veterans’ preferences and employer needs are important. Veteran enrollment is based on their desire & readiness to work. Employment services are integrated with treatment, housing and other services. Benefits planning and management is provided. Rapid job search is encouraged. Employment specialists build employer relationships. Job retention assistance and follow along support is provided. There are 8 themes in these principles that we subscribe to. HVRPs exist to help veterans who express the desire to work. However, not all of those veterans are ready or well prepared for work. If a veteran is experiencing certain challenges that my limit their ability to work, HVRPs will arrange for that veteran to get assistance with that challenge before enrolling in HVRP. Readiness is based on the veterans’ commitment to change, management of personal issues, having an occupational goal, and the presence of essential soft skills. The goal of every veteran in HVRP is competitive employment, whether that is full or part time work. It is work with employers that is open to any job applicant; that is paid a minimum or better wage; and for which the veteran pays taxes. Veteran choice about the kind of work, the amount of work and place of work drives the job getting process within the confines of in-demand jobs in the labor market. In other words, the choices veterans make about work are informed by what labor employers need in their workforce. Helping homeless veterans succeed at work requires a range of services that should be well integrated, ideally all located within the organization helping the veteran. If one-stop comprehensive services are not available, HVRPs should have strong collaboration with other organizations to provide integrated comprehensive services, co-locating services whenever possible. For veterans to maximize entitlements and to balance those with competitive employment, services providers must provide benefits planning and assistance to help homeless veteran job seekers to safely navigate entitlements and the impact earned income may have on those benefits. A the same time, veterans are encouraged to contribute to their own well-being and self-sufficiency. Moving from joblessness an homelessness to a permanent place to live and a job should occur as quickly as possible. Efforts to help veterans secure competitive employment should begin at enrollment. Veterans are assisted to interview for jobs within the first two weeks of enrollment. In individual job placement services, employment specialists should be meeting with employers face to face each week on behalf of their job seeking veterans. In other instances the HVRP develops a partnership with employers to place and training a number of veterans choosing to work in that employer’s industry and place of business. HVRPs help employers as their second customer and help that employer hire a workforce that gets the work of the employer done. Job retention is important and means that the homeless veteran maintains a connection to the labor market over time. Should a veteran lose a job, assistance is available to rapidly assist them with another job. Follow along supports including linkages to other services are critical to ensuring the veteran stays employed and housed.

3 Understanding Military Culture
Assisting former military service members to establish and maintain a working life requires a basic understanding of the veterans and military culture.

4 10 Best Practice Elements
Job Driven Training Outreach Strategies Employment Assessment Transitions to Jobs and Job Retention Obtaining Benefits and Services Find and Maintain Housing Excellent Staff Outcome Oriented Braiding Funding Streams Tailoring Services to Specific Populations

5 For Each of the 10 Best Practice Elements We Provide…
Research Evidence for the Practice Tips for Success Resources & Tools Implementation examples from the field Repository See Research Evidence for the Practice – in a brief overview, we describe relevant literature that supports practices that are likely to lead to favorable outcomes. Included are research citations that further explain the practice. In some instances research evidence is lacking but there is descriptive experience that suggests the practice is useful. Tips for Success – A 3 to 5 page document for each Best Practice that delineates activities that staff can perform or interventions staff may conduct that reflect an implementation of the Best Practice element. Resources & Tools – In this document, we offer specific resource material or tools that may help staff in the implementation of the Best Practice element. This may include identification of specific tools or links to certain websites. Implementation examples – Through case examples, video taped interviews with HVRP leaders, program descriptions or other materials to offer examples of how HVRPs have implemented the Best Practice element. Repository – For each element, we include a repository of information, that is reports, literature or other relevant information as background and elaboration on the Best Practice element.

6 Best Practice 1: Partnering with Employers for Job Driven Training
Engage employers Identify labor needs in growth industries Provide or arrange training to improve job seeker skills Educate employers about veteran job seekers

7 Best Practice 2: Outreach Strategies
Raise community awareness about veteran employment Build relationships with referral sources Use peer specialists in outreach Make presentations in the service system, to employers and community Conduct street outreach, shelter in-reach to recruit homeless veterans Accessible enrollment Use of smart technology

8 Best Practice 3: Employment Assessment
Engage the veteran to identify their occupational goal, preferences and timeline Determine strengths, challenges and training needs Assess available and needed resources Estimate veteran abilities in math, comprehension, and soft skills relevant to their occupational goal

9 Best Practice 4: Helping Veterans Transition to Jobs and Keep Them
Develop job placements for veterans that match their interests and capacities as well as employer needs Use Motivational Interviewing and other relevant tested practices Maintain a connection with veterans Individualize a job retention plan, incentives and follow along supports Insure time-unlimited support Link veteran to needed services Contact with employers

10 Best Practice 5: Helping Veterans Obtain and Manage Benefits
Case management process that helps veterans access and manage benefits & services. Access to knowledgeable and skilled staff in VA, SSA and other benefits. Routine benefit planning with veterans. Make referrals and monitoring veterans’ use of referral services for a comprehensive range of services for which they are entitled or eligible.

11 Best Practice 6: Helping Veterans Find and Maintain Housing
In-place strategy to enroll veterans in HVRP before veterans enter permanent housing* Integrate housing options within the parent organization or thru partnerships Assist housing programs to vocationalize Service coordination with housing case managers Collaboration with an array of housing options (GPD, SSVF, VASH, PSH, TH, ESG, HOME TBRA) * Until such time as the HVRP statute allows HVRPs to provide services to veterans in permanent housing.

12 Best Practice 7: Identifying, Recruiting and Supporting Excellent Staff
Hire veterans on staff From intern to staff Build the HVRP team Critical staff skills and knowledge for working HVRP Encourage staff self-care Retain staff in HVRP

13 Best Practice 8: Outcome Oriented
Use HVRP results to inform program decisions and make improvements Engage HVRP participants in program evaluation activities and data analysis Track housing outcomes as well as employment outcomes Gather and use qualitative as well as quantitative data

14 Best Practice 9: Braiding Funding Streams
Secure additional funds to support HVRP mission Use additional funds to supplement or enhance HVRP activities eg. incentives Meet the requirements of funders HVRP alone cannot pay for the range and intensity of services veterans may need to succeed in the workforce. Whether it is additional dollars for job training or resources to fund incentives, the HVRP should develop strategies to access dollars and resources in the community.

15 Best Practice 10: Services to Specific Target Populations
Because of their unique needs, it is effective to tailor services to certain populations including: Women Veterans Justice Involved Veterans Younger Veterans Black Veterans Veterans in rural areas Consider how social media can help market HVRP to these populations

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