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Unit 8 Math Session Openers

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1 Unit 8 Math Session Openers

2 Day 1 None- Day 1 includes the Pre-Assessment. Begin with administering the pre-assessment.

3 Day 2 5.NBT.7 Solve. Use a ratio table to show your work.
Solve. Use a ratio table to show your work. Columbus' ships covered approximately 145 miles a day. How many miles would they have traveled in six days?

4 Day 3 5.NBT.7 Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 11 “Skyscrapers Around the World" (interpreting pictographs/charts utilizing 5.NBT.7, Target 3)

5 Day 4 5.NBT.7 Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 13 “Math in the Cards” (interpreting charts utilizing 5.NBT.7, Target 3)

6 Day 5 5.NF.7c 5.NF.7c: Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 17 “Text Message Math Survey" (interpreting circle graphs utilizing 5.NF.7c, Target 1)

7 Day 6 5.NBT.7

8 Day 7 5.NBT.7  Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 38 “Arbor Day Areas" (creating and interpreting line graphs utilizing 5.NBT.7, Target 2)

9 Day 8 5.MD.1 Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 33 “Charts of Change" (converting coins to dollars utilizing 5.MD.1, Target 2)

10 Day 9 5.NBT.7 Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 50 “Carly’s Vacation Schedule" (creating a daily schedule utilizing 5.NBT.7, Target 2 and 3 )

11 Day 10 Copy this game board, fold in half and place in a file folder for an instant game of Coordinate Battleship. Students love to practice their coordinate graphing via this simple game. Students place their 5 ships (5,4,3,3,2) o their ocean grid. They alternating naming coordinate points and marking misses and hits on their target grid using two different colors. First one to sink 5 ships wins.

12 Day 11 5.NBT.7 Instant Math Practice Graphs & Charts pg 46 “Education Earns You More" (bar graph comparing average earnings utilizing 5.NBT.7, Target 5)

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