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Wildfire protection in Poland and Europe

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Presentation on theme: "Wildfire protection in Poland and Europe"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildfire protection in Poland and Europe
Systems of observation and set of technical prevention means

2 The observation-warning system

3 Forest fire detection monitoring system
Monitoring systems of wildfire detection are similar in most of the European countries. The whole process of observation is complex and involves both the humans and advanced technology .

4 A lookout tower in Poland A lookout tower in Portugal
Lookout towers These wooden or steel towers are sill used all around Europe. A „fire lookout’s’” job is observing the forest and reporting the possible wildfire. Modern towers are often equipped with cameras. A lookout tower in Poland A lookout tower in Portugal

5 Fire control patrol in Poland Fire control patrol in Portugal
Fire control patrols The duties of fire control patrols include checking the possibilities of wildfire in particular weather conditions. The patrols are usually equipped with basic fire fighting equipment. Fire control patrol in Poland Fire control patrol in Portugal

6 Airplane patrolling in Poland Airplane patrolling in Spain
Airplane patrolling Forest airplane patrolling is used all around Europe in times of the greatest fire hazard. Airplane patrolling in Poland Airplane patrolling in Spain

7 Alarm-command point in Poland Alarm-command point in Germany
Alarm-command points The workers of the alarm-command points cooperate with the forest patrols and lookout towers and coordinate all the steps taken to prevent or detect the wildfire. Such points are capable of defining the exact place of the wildfire with a great precision. Alarm-command point in Poland Alarm-command point in Germany

8 Technical means of wildfire protection

9 Access road in Lithuania
Fire access roads It is essential that the access roads should be properly maintained in case of wildfire. All the roads are capable of bearing heavy vehicles. Access road in Lithuania Access road in Poland

10 Access road sign in Poland Access road sign in Greece
Visibility of access road signs Another important thing is the fact that all the access road signs must be visible to fire brigades and other rescue teams in emergency. Access road sign in Poland Access road sign in Greece

11 Water supply point in Portugal Water supply point in Poland
Water supply points Water supply points may be the natural ones or artificial reservoirs as water is the main way to extinguish the wildfire. Water supply point in Portugal Water supply point in Poland

12 Forest aviation bases Planes are not used only for aerial surveillance flights. Extingushing the wildfire effectively can be done due to the fast actions of the forest aviation pilots.

13 Wildfire prevention messages
These are the messages that advise the forest vistors of ways to prevent fire or the consequences of carelesness, they keep the visitors informed about what they must do to prevent fires and they state that certain actions create fire risks and are strictly prohibited.

14 Poland Greece Czech Republic

15 Lithuania Ukraine Germany

16 Sources:

17 The authors of the presentation:
Agnieszka Gałka, kl. IIIb Klaudia Koman, kl. IIIb Gabriela Maciocha, kl. IIIb Gimnazjum Nr 1 im. Św. Jadwigi Królowej ul. Kościuszki 41 Biłgoraj

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