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Periodic Motion Oscillations: Stable Equilibrium: U  ½kx2 F  kx

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1 Periodic Motion Oscillations: Stable Equilibrium: U  ½kx2 F  kx
(small) displacement from equilibrium generates restoring force inertia apply F = ma Amplitude A = maximum displacement from equilibrium Period T = time for one full cycle Frequency f = number of cycles per unit time = 1/T Angular Frequency  = 2f = “natural units” for frequency A A U

2 The Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO):
A = amplitude = phase angle

3 SHO (continued): get A and  from initial state of motion

4 Example: A horizontal spring which produces a force of 6
Example: A horizontal spring which produces a force of 6.00 N when stretched by m is attached to a kg body which slides on a frictionless surface. What is the force constant of the spring? What is the frequency and natural frequency of oscillations? If the mass is given an initial displacement of m and an initial velocity of m/s, determine the amplitude and phase angle of the motion. Write equations of position, velocity and acceleration as a function of time.

5 K U E x Energy in a SHO

6 Vertical SHO (spring unstretched at y = 0) Equilibrium at y0: ky0 = mg
SHO variations Vertical SHO (spring unstretched at y = 0) Equilibrium at y0: ky0 = mg Fy = ky – mg = k (y y0) Torsion Pendulum =   = I  = ? Molecules: Potential energy is approximately quadratic y0

7 Physical Pendulum, center of gravity mg d sin I sin 
More SHO variations Simple Pendulum FT = mg sin  mg L sin I sin I = mL2 mg L mL2  Physical Pendulum, center of gravity mg d sin I sin  mg d I  d

8 Damped Harmonic Oscillator: (linear) friction Ff = bv
x vs t

9 Damped Harmonic Oscillator (cont’d)
x vs t

10 Driven Harmonic Oscillator: F = Fmax cos(dt)
Fmax/k vs d/ 0

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