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What are they? Why do we care?

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1 What are they? Why do we care?
Career Clusters 101 Level 2 What are they? Why do we care? Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

2 A4L2PP1 Jobs for Montana's Graduates
Career Clusters 101 Career clusters … Career fields … Programs of Study … Big Sky Pathways … What great Opportunities! Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

3 What are Career Clusters?
Groupings of occupations and industries. A framework that shows the entire world of work. Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

4 What are Career Clusters?
Provide career planning Offer options for students to experience all aspects of an industry. Assists students with transitions All clusters have a common foundation knowledge and skills base. Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

5 Sixteen Career Clusters
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Finance Architecture & Construction Education & Training Arts, AV Tech & Communications Government & Public Administration Business, Management & Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Manufacturing Human Services Marketing Sales & Service Information Technology Sciences, Tech, Engineering & Mathematics Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

6 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
In Montana ….. In Montana the 16 clusters have been folded into: Six Mega-Clusters Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

7 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

8 Example: Business, Management & Information Systems
DEFINITIONS A Career Field Means the overall description of one of the six areas of employment opportunities. Example: Business, Management & Information Systems Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

9 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
DEFINITIONS Each Career Field shares the common Foundation Knowledge & Skills of all fields and clusters. Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

10 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
DEFINITIONS A Career Cluster is a list of occupations that fall under the particular career field heading. Example: for Business, Management & Information Systems, Montana’s clusters are: Marketing & Sales Management & Administrative Services Hospitality and Tourism Finance Information Technology Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

11 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
DEFINITIONS A Big Sky Pathway (aka ‘Program of Study’) Is the sequential, non-duplicative coursework necessary for seamless transition from secondary to post-secondary studies for a select set of occupations. Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

12 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
DEFINITIONS FIELD Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

13 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
DEFINITIONS Each of the 16 pathways gives opportunities to further explore career possibilities Cluster Overview: Business Management and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Business Management and Administration career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy. Pathway Options: Administrative Support Business Information Management General Management Human Resources Management Operations Management Occupation Examples: Human resources manager, Administrative Assistant, Information Systems Manager, Management analyst, Marketing manager, Receptionist, Interviewer. For a complete listing, go to: Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

14 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
ACTIVITY #1 Browse by Career Pathway Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. Students, parents, and educators can use Career Clusters to help focus education plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success in a particular career pathway. Using O Net Online Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

15 A4L2PP1 Jobs for Montana's Graduates
ACTIVITY #2 GO TO MCIS Complete the Career Cluster Inventory Go to “My Career Plan” Looking Deeper Research Options Occupational and Preparation Research Open document in Word and complete worksheet Evaluate Options Evaluate My Occupation Options Print Completed worksheets SAVE EVERTHING IN YOUR “MCIS Portfolio” Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

16 Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1
Questions??? Are there any questions? Career Clusters … Career Fields … Programs of Study … Big Sky Pathways … Jobs for Montana's Graduates A4L2PP1

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