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WISER Social Sciences: SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)

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Presentation on theme: "WISER Social Sciences: SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WISER Social Sciences: SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)
Judy Reading OULS User Education Co-ordinator Gillian Pritchard Reader Services Librarian, Social Science Library

2 SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)
SOLO is a new search tool for our collections. It encompasses: OLIS catalogue, ORA (Oxford Research Archive), OU E-Journals and OxLIP+ (interface to electronic databases). This session will show you how to find books and journals and search across collections.

3 Key resources and services
SOLO: Search Oxford Libraries Online OLIS Oxford University’s union catalogue Other electronic resources, including access to databases E-journals catalogue

4 SOLO (Search Oxford Libraries Online)
A new search and discovery tool for the Oxford Libraries’ vast collection of resources Offers a simple powerful search across OLIS (Oxford’s union catalogue) and ORA (Oxford Research Archive) with the potential for the inclusion of more special collections in the future Includes e-books, e-journals and databases alongside print material in results The Articles and databases sampler allows you to get a quick list of useful articles for your subject

5 At this point I will open a browser on a second machine and display SOLO live using the same examples as the screen-shots if relevant.

6 Context-specific help available
Context-specific help available The menu offers New search (can also use Clear search) as well as navigation to native interfaces and the OULS webpage SOLO is now the default on Library machines. It is easy to move from SOLO to other linked services – the library catalogue OLIS, OxLIP+ and OU E-journals and the OULS homepage. The New option appears at the top of all the SOLO pages and will help you restart your searching at any time. Context-specific help is available through-out SOLO

7 SOLO is new and we are very keen on feedback – positive or pointing out things that need to be improved.

8 Sign in to SOLO to add items to an e-Shelf, set alerts, access subscription resources, tag and review items There are no restrictions on access to SOLO - OLIS and other collections anywhere in the world whether you are a member of the University or not. You do not need to log into SOLO unless you want to save results or use the other personalised features. Selected records can be saved into a “Guest account” until you close your browser when they will be lost unless you have signed in. On the other hand the Databases and articles services are subscription resources and to access them you will need to sign-in using your Oxford Single-Sign on (the same as used for Webmail or Weblearn)

9 The default search will combine any words entered with And ie all words need to be in the record for it to be retrieved Demonstrate a simple successful search for a specific book using a word or two from the title and the authors name. Could maybe use truncation neocon* and mention wildcards wom?n – see help screens for more information.

10 To do a search for a specific book try the first few (or significant) words in the title and the author’s surname.


12 "Get It” takes you through to OLIS holdings as well
as showing you a link “Additional services” which include full-text if available eg for e-journals.

13 Automated Stack Requests have to be placed in OLIS not SOLO
“Patron Functions” (such as renewing or reserving books) is only available in OLIS and you will need to login using your University card number and OLIS password not Oxford SSO

14 More about search options…

15 You can restrict your search to Books, Articles, Journals, Images or Audio-visual material
You can choose to look for words in the title, as a author/creator, a subject or in user generated tags Change to “with my exact phrase” to combine words in your results eg “development economics” not development and economics

16 IMPORTANT: you need to clear the search to remove these limits.
You can choose to look for your search term in a specific library, in OULS or limit to Online resources. Online resources are included in the results for specific libraries. IMPORTANT: you need to clear the search to remove these limits.

17 Choose Advanced search to combine searches and for more options

18 SOLO offers spell check

19 You can choose to sort your results by relevance, date or popularity.
Results display You can choose to sort your results by relevance, date or popularity.

20 Results display An icon tells you at a glance what kind of record you have eg Book, Journal, Database

21 Results display Click on View details to see the full record for a reference from the results list

22 Results display The Details display gives you options such as (if available) Table of contents, Abstracts and “Snippets”

23 Results display Results are grouped in SOLO so that records with similar bibliographic records are pulled together. It is worth clicking through to see all versions.

24 Results display Limit your results by topic, library, creation date, creator or resource type

25 Results display Scroll to the bottom of the results page to see what to do if your search hasn’t worked and suggestions for further searches

26 Results display If you choose to Add to e-Shelf you can the reference, save it or push it to a reference management system such as Refworks. Sign in to save your selections

27 Click on Sign in and then choose University of Oxford and when prompted enter your University of Oxford Single Sign-On (SSO) user name and password. For more information on SSO see: Click on Guest e-Shelf or e-Shelf [if logged in] to see your selections.

28 View of e-Shelf - Guest

29 If you login to SOLO you will see this option at the top of your results list.

30 You will need to name your query and decide whether you want to set up an alert as well as save the search.

31 Having saved a query it will be in your e-Shelf

32 Searching for e-resources
SOLO includes the titles and descriptions of e-resources like ASSIA

33 Searching for e-books SOLO includes records for some e-books eg The New Institutional Politics. Try searching for Institutional Politics and restricting to Online Resources

34 Searching for theses To find Oxford theses in print try including “thesis” and the Department name in your search To find Oxford theses in print try including “thesis” and the Department name in your search

35 Articles and databases sampler
SOLO also offers the option to search across selected databases using: Articles and databases sampler

36 Articles and databases sampler
This link allows you to see which five databases have been selected by subject librarians for the sampler for their subject.

37 Articles and databases sampler

38 Sampler searching.. Can be used to quickly retrieve quality information resources using a simple search box across a range of resources Over 200 of our 800 databases are cross-searchable (ie nearly 600 are not and cannot be included in these sets). To see the full list of databases go to OxLIP+. Key databases for particular subjects may be excluded. Cross-searching is slow because it is going out to native interfaces. E-journal packages eg JSTOR or Science Direct are not included in sets because they are too slow to search (because they are so big).

39 This search won’t work unless you select a subject collection
Articles and databases sampler This search won’t work unless you select a subject collection

40 Articles and databases sampler
You can choose to see the results before the search is complete

41 Articles and databases sampler:
Results display Results look similar to searching OLIS & other collections but here we are looking at articles and other resources indexed in databases such as the Social Science Citation Index

42 Break and hands-on exercises

43 OLIS: The Oxford Libraries Information Systems
Use to renew your books or order a stack request Go direct or link through from SOLO Offers access to catalogue indexes, cross-references and full notes Guides can be downloaded from: Mention that OLIS full display is the only place you get to see the full notes entered by antiquarian book cataloguers – example if needed is Secunda emissio. Quincuplex Psalterium. : Gallicum. Rhomanum. Hebraicum. Vetus. Conciliatum. Epistola. Epilogus disputationis Appendix in Prologi Hieronmi tres. Partitio psalmorum triplex. Indices psalmorum duo. Preponu[n]tur quae subtr adijciuntur.. Corporate Name: Catholic Church Publisher: [Paris] : [Henri Estienne], [13 June 1513]

44 OLIS: Library catalogue
OLIS (Oxford Libraries Information System) provides an index to Oxford University Library collections. Not all College libraries use OLIS and College collections are not open to all University members. Ask for reference access if they have the only copy. Nuffield College has Social Science collection which is open to other graduates. Some collections are not included in OLIS eg Chinese language materials, manuscripts and older material not yet catalogued.

45 OLIS catalogue

46 Browse Searching A browse search displays an alphabetical list of the headings in the selected index (title, author, subject etc.) that are closest to the word(s)/characters you enter. The closest match will appear emboldened. Use when you know the exact title/author or where the first words of the search are known.

47 Keyword Searching Use the keywords search to search for items that contain the word(s) you enter wherever they appear in the selected field (title, subject, author, etc). Use when you are unsure of the exact details.

48 OLIS v SOLO OLIS is the union catalogue comprising books and other items in OLIS library collections SOLO is a resource discovery tool. You can search across OLIS and e-books, e-journal titles, database titles and ORA OLIS allows keyword and browse searching SOLO only allows keyword searching

49 OLIS v SOLO OLIS offers more indexes than SOLO. Allows more detailed searching and cross-referencing OLIS has subject headings. SOLO has facets and many more links Use OLIS to view borrowing transactions, renew books, place reservations and stack requests Use SOLO for personalised search alerts, downloading records into bibliographic management packages

50 Searching for a specific book in OLIS
Usually the title search is the simplest option (NB omit initial article e.g. the, a, der, le) You can also browse search on author (enter surname, first name) or combine author and title in a keyword search

51 Searching for a book by subject in OLIS
Library of Congress Subject Headings provide a subject index eg Browse for “Education and state – Great Britain” in LC Subjects OLIS lets you see cross-references Try looking at the subject terms used for indexing a book you know to be relevant eg click on hyperlinked subject entries for “The core executive in Britain”

52 Other catalogues Go to Other options in OxLIP+, then select Library catalogues as type and click on Go COPAC British Library Catalogue WorldCat You can visit other libraries with relevant collections or ask for an inter-library loan

53 e-Journals at Oxford Full text access to hundreds of journal articles
Browse recent issues of journals by subject area Download, or print articles Use Oxford SSO off-campus Link through to possible full-text in databases when you see this logo e-Journals at Oxford Mention the fast turn around of journal publication and how more up to date research is being published here first, rather then in books Look up ‘Philosophical Review’ Vol. 83 No. 4 Nagel, ‘What is it like to be a bat?’


55 SOLO includes articles, theses and other material from the Oxford Research Archive – or you can go direct there and browse

56 Oxford University Research Archive

57 OxLIP+: Oxford Libraries Information Platform
Provides access to: peer-reviewed and subscription based research resources bibliographic tools, e.g. Historical Abstracts, available to help you search for articles in your research area Online reference works Offers cross-search across selected databases Save searches and alerts


59 OxLIP+ (Oxford University e-Resources)
Linked from SOLO or direct at Portal to our electronic resources Allows resources (ie databases etc) to be searched for by title or subject Allows cross-searching of selected databases for articles or other individual resources Enables easy remote access to most resources by signing-in with Oxford SSO

60 Use the default Find Database to search for a specific resource (eg SSCI) by title or A-Z search.

61 Click on the name of the resource to go through to the native interface

62 Find Database by Subject lets you browse through resources selected by subject librarians. Click on GO to see the titles under each sub-category

63 Can see which resources are cross-searchable – can click on the magnifying glass to search using OxLIP+ interface but need to go to CrossSearch at the top to search across databases – don’t choose more than 5.

64 Further help Ask in any Library and we will be pleased to help
Contact your subject librarian see Online help and guides are available see or from individual libraries Why not sign up for more WISER sessions? See Please respond to the request for feedback which will be ed to you – we do value your input

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