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Cosmological goals vs measured performances Jean-Loup Puget

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1 Cosmological goals vs measured performances Jean-Loup Puget
The scientific program of Planck Cosmological goals vs measured performances Jean-Loup Puget on the behalf of the Planck collaboration J.L. Puget Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale Orsay on the behalf of the Planck Collaboration Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

2 Outline The early Planck papers (arXiv jan 2011):
Overview of in flight Planck performances and data processing Early Release Compact Source Catalogue Foreground science Future foreground science Cosmological goals vs measured performances Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

3 Planck is a project of the European Space Agency -- ESA -- with instruments provided by two scientific Consortia funded by ESA member states (in particular the lead countries: France and Italy) with contributions from NASA (USA), and telescope reflectors provided in a collaboration between ESA and a scientific Consortium led and funded by Denmark. The Planck Collaboration is composed of - a core: the Pl. Sc. Off., the two instruments Core Teams and the telescope team. They are in charge of producing the scientific products distributed to the scientific community and the first set of papers on CMB cosmology. - it also includes associates from more than 50 scientific institutes in Europe, the USA and Canada who are contributing to the scientific program outside CMB cosmology. Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

4 Planck: the 3rd generation space CMB experiment
Planck has the ambition to gain a factor 2.5 in angular resolution and 10 in instantaneous map sensitivity with respect to WMAP Planck will be nearly photon noise limited in the CMB channels ( GHz) Temperature power spectrum sensitivity should be limited by the ability to remove foregrounds (thus a very broad frequency coverage: 30 GHz-1 THz) HFI detectors are cooled to 100 mK, 6 bands 100 to 857 GHz, read in total power mode with a white noise from 10 mHz to 100 Hz (no 1/f noise from readout electronics in the signal range) the temperature stability of the 100 mK stage must be better that 20 nK/rt-Hz in the same band not to affect the sensitivity LFI uses coherent detection and HEMTS based amplifiers in 3 bands 30 to 70 GHz, photometric reference loads on the 4K box of the HFI FPU with micro K stability. Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

5 Noise spectrum of the 10 MW resistor in the focal plane
10 µK/Hz1/2 1µK/Hz1/2 10-4Hz 100 Hz 10-4 Hz 10 Hz Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

6 cryogenic chain: the cool down
93 mK July 3rd 2009 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

7 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

8 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

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10 the100mK bolometer plate PID power fluctuations follows closely the opposite of the SREM particle counts fluctuations total power from CR on bolometer plate is 12 nW PID bolometer plate average is 5 nW dilution PID is 25 nW it is affected by the CR flux and by the small variations of the Helium isotopes flow small solar flare 10-7 Hz 10-4 Hz Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

11 activité solaire 1976 2010 1700 1800 1900 2000 Princeton 21 Feb 2011
J. L. Puget

12 Standard Radiation Monitor
Removing the low energy CR variations using SREM data and dilution variations (long term drift and effect of service module temperature variations) Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

13 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

14 following the time ordered data (TOI) processing
Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

15 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

16 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

17 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

18 The Planck scientific program: foregrounds
sources rising spectra radio sources infrared galaxies (SED of galaxies, high z sources, star formation history) SZ sources interstellar medium tracing dust foreground (new dust opacity all sky map, rotation of PAHs and VSG) full sensus of cold spots in the ISM dust properties in the mm submm spectral range including polarization structure of the galactic magnetic field (particularly the statistical properties of the turbulent field) Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

19 Sources ERCSC cold ISM concentrations SZ sources: Infrared galaxies
5 arc min is too a low resolutionto be competitive with some ground based experiments (SPT,ACT, interferometers) all sky is very good for rare sources (very massive clusters, high z), stacking of sources from other catalogues power spectrum of unresolved sources background at intermediate l from Planck will complement SPT, ACT Infrared galaxies CIB high z rare objects (proto clusters) Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

20 Contents of ERCSC All sky |b|>30 Catalogs from Intensity Maps
ERCSC_f030.fits ERCSC_f044.fits ERCSC_f070.fits ERCSC_f100.fits ERCSC_f143.fits ERCSC_f217.fits ERCSC_f353.fits ERCSC_f545.fits ERCSC_f857.fits with bandfilled info at 217, 353 and 545 GHz *fluxmap.pdf: Sky distribution with flux information ERCSC cutouts and PSF cutouts: 4*FWHM CMB subtracted maps. ECC.fits (915 entries; 35 at |b|>30) Planck_ECC.pdf: ECC cutouts on 353, 545 and 857 residual maps; 0.33 deg on a side ECC_skymap.pdf: Sky distribution of ECC candidates ESZ.fits (189 sources; 134 at |b|>30) ESZ_skymap.pdf: Sky distribution of ESZ candidates Explanatory Supplement All sky |b|>30 705 307 452 143 599 157 1381 332 1764 420 5470 691 6984 1123 7223 2535 8988 4513 R. Chary: Paris, Jan 2011

21 Features of Planck Unique phase space – the first simultaneous radio through submillimeter all sky survey Fills in the gap in phase space between WMAP and Akari/IRAS Probes both the dusty infrared luminous sources and the synchrotron sources Spatial resolution well matched to IRAS at 3 longer wavelengths Improved spatial resolution and sensitivity compared to WMAP in the radio R. Chary: Paris, Jan 2011

22 ERCSC Sensitivity Planck Galactic Plane |b|<10 deg
Planck Extragalactic |b|>30 deg References C. Beichman et al. 1988 B. Gold et al. 2010 P. Gregory et al. 1996 T. Murphy et al. 2010 E. Wright et al. 2009 R. Chary: Paris, Jan 2011

23 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

24 catalogue of 189 clusters detected in SZ
IAP 10 Décmbre 2010 J. L. Puget

25 3 amas de galaxies en fusion
IAP 10 Décmbre 2010 J. L. Puget

26 electromagnetic content of the universe today
CMB COpt B CIB X-ray B Gamma B Radio B CNES 17 Fevrier 2011 J. L. Puget H. Dole

27 Power spectrum of the Cosmic Infrared Background
CMB is the main contaminant CMB/CIB=1000 at l=200 the CIB power spectrum illustrates the power of the Planck data for component separation and CMB work at 217 GHz the measured CIB power spectrum l Cl is 0.25 µK2 with a S/N of 5 on 100 sq deg CNES 17 Fevrier 2011 J. L. Puget G. Lagache

28 interstellar medium cold gas and B field substructure of interstellar filaments turbulent magnetic field rotation of PAHs and very small grains IAP 10 Décmbre 2010 J. L. Puget

29 spinning dust in Perseus and rho Oph
SED are different Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

30 Planck scientific program: CMB
refining cosmological parameters by a factor 10 to 30 to test for tensions in the cosmological parameters issued from WMAP and other cosmological probes (reionization history) neutrino mass (upper limits can be lowered by a factor of 4 to 5) search for B modes from inflation gravity waves; test compatibility with ns predicted by simple inflation models non gaussianity: test of inflation models, of non inflationary models (non trivial topology on large scales) lensing Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

31 improvements on cosmological parameters over WMAP (blue book)
Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

32 Planck in combination with other data sets
Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

33 Indirect observation of primordial gravity waves
They imprint polarization on the CMB from Compton interaction with ionized gaz affected by the gravity waves r = 0.1 leads to rms of Bmodes 0.06 mK This happens at the time of recombination at « low redshifts » after reionization Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

34 Polarization from lensing
Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

35 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

36 Primordial B-mode detection
Efstathiou, Gratton 2009 using Planck Sky Model (full sky simulation but rather simple model of foregrounds) nominal sensitivity and extended mission (4 sky surveys vs 2) takes simple inflation model predictions r = 0, 0.05, 0.1 (energy scale GeV for r = 0.05 with ns=0.96) can we detect the predicted B modes? after a simple component separation assuming no systematic effects Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

37 Planck can detect tensor to scalor ratio down to 0
Planck can detect tensor to scalor ratio down to 0.05 (present best direct upper limit is 0.3 one sigma, Bicep Chiang et al 2009) Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget

38 Princeton 21 Feb 2011 J. L. Puget J. Tauber: Bogotá, 6 Aug.2009 38

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