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The Wonder Years Nursery 1

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1 The Wonder Years Nursery 1
Spring Term – Owls Ms. Aasema March 2016 Upcoming Dates: 10th April- Spring Term Begins (Teachers only) 11th April- Students return 12th April- Teddy Bear Picnic 5th May - Al Israa Al Miraj Day* (TBC). 16th May- Jungle Day 6th June- Ramadan start (TBC) 15th June- Pirate / Princess Day 19th 20th– Graduation Day/ Party 28th June – Last Day of Term. Topics this term: Seasons (Holidays, Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) Nursery Rhymes (Incy Wincey Spider, Humpty Dumpty, Once I Caught a Fish Alive, Five Little Ducks, Old McDonalds, The Wheels On the Bus) This term… This term Owls welcomed new friends and had a great time playing together. We started off with the topic “Seasons”. We learnt about all the four seasons by playing with ice, making mittens and gloves, penguins, flip-flops, butterflies, handprint flower and kites. They enjoyed the “Rain in water jar” by using foam and blue color. They celebrated “International Day” in full spirit and enthusiasm by decorating their national flags. Children also enjoyed reading this term, with their favorite book “The Hungary Caterpillar”. It helped them to learn about numbers and life cycle of Caterpillar. They had lots of fun in finding the mini-beasts under grass. Planting is one of the highlight of this term. They planted seeds in a cup and took care of it by watering them daily. The “Nursery Rhymes” topic was fun filled and a learning experience for them. Singing “Incy Wincy Spider”, Humpty Dumpty”, “Once I caught a fish alive”, “5 little ducks”, “Old Mc Donald had a farm “and “Wheels on the bus” was a lot of fun for them. Children participated on Sports Day by showing their physical strength and gross motor skills and everyone received medal for their efforts and hard work. Owls have participated in Spring Concert by singing and performing all Mums and Dads. Good Job Owls! Ms.Aasema The Wonder Years Nursery 1

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