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2.5 Postulates and Paragraph Proofs

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Presentation on theme: "2.5 Postulates and Paragraph Proofs"— Presentation transcript:

1 2.5 Postulates and Paragraph Proofs
Obejctives: Identify and use basic postulates about points, lines, and planes. Write paragraph proofs.

2 Refer to Handout Postulate 2.1 through 2.7

3 Theorem A statement or conjecture (educated guess) that has been shown to be true Can be used to show that other statements are true Example: If M is the midpoint of AB, then AM = MB. A M B

4 Proof Logical argument in which each statement is supported by a statement that is true One type of proof is a paragraph proof – you simply write a series of statements explaining why a conjecture is true

5 Four Essential parts of a good proof:
State the theorem or conjecture to prove. List the given information. If possible, draw a diagram to illustrate the given information. Develop a system of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning = making conclusions based on what you already know

6 Determine the total number of segments that can be drawn.

7 Assn: p. 108 #8 - #20

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