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Dr James Field PFHEA School of Dental Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "Dr James Field PFHEA School of Dental Sciences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr James Field PFHEA School of Dental Sciences
Developing a reflection toolkit for Professional Development Dr James Field PFHEA School of Dental Sciences Dr Rosa Spencer Professional Development Manager Dr Richard Young Independent Consultant

2 Your thoughts…. Toolkit development
Potential utility of the toolkit in your own institution

3 96% 2% 80% Questionnaires Focus groups
felt that reflection is important Questionnaires Focus groups 2% currently use a framework for reflection yet only 80% & would find a reflection tool useful

4 Reflection: our approach
Learning from our experiences But what makes reflection different from implicit learning? Making the most of those experiences Appreciating alternative viewpoints Considering alternative actions and outcomes Revisiting those thoughts, alone and with others, in a secure way




8 What did you do? Provide a clear record of the 'event‘: Include your intentions, and describe your practice What prompted your approach? What happened? Consider your own and others' viewpoints and feelings - put yourself in their shoes What impact did the learning technologies have on your activity? How will you evaluate this activity later? What evidence do you need? What could you have done differently? Learning points - Please propose at least one action that you can take forward




12 Stay Sharp. Bring your practice into focus
Record Map Reflect Share Export

13 Findings I used it as a 'lever' to get me to formalise my reflections, which otherwise I would not have done It definitely helped me capture learning from the activities I logged and provided an agenda for future work

14 Further development & other frameworks

15 Further development & other frameworks
Record offline Voice memo & photo tagging Customised reflection screens Review entries & action points Customisable reminders Securely sharing with others

16 2nd floor, Room 4227

17 Table 7: a reflection toolkit for professional development
what were the key points from the presentation? Links to UKPSF Integrated with dimensions of practice Guides reflection on L&T events Independent system and secure Dashboard to track progress what were the key points from the discussion? Brilliant visuals Maintaining depth of reflection(s) How do students interact with the toolkit Does it improve outcomes? Can evidence soon Timely How to prevent the toolkit being linear - app intelligence for cycles of learning "What prompted your approach" can link back to previous learning outcomes...

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