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Daniel Haas Harvard Medical School

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1 Indivo and SMART: enabling standardized, substitutable, patient-facing apps
Daniel Haas Harvard Medical School Children’s Hospital Informatics Program 18 June, 2012

2 What is SMART? “SMART provides a unified mechanism for diverse applications to interact with medical-record data.”

3 What is SMART? Apps API Containers

4 What is SMART? Apps API Containers

5 Isn’t that Indivo? Apps API Containers

6 Nope. Unlike SMART, Indivo (pre-v2.0) supported: A different API
Different data-models A different authentication scheme Patient-facing apps only Extra functionality: Sharing Writing Data Auditing Etc.

7 But they are similar… Reading Medical Data:
Problems, Meds, Lab results, Vital Signs, etc. Authentication: OAuth-inspired Philosophy: substitutability

8 So let’s take advantage of that!
Apps Indivo App API Indivo-specific data models/APIs Containers

9 Goals Enable existing (and future) SMART apps to run against Indivo
Shift Indivo apps towards adopting SMART standards Enable hybrid SMART/Indivo apps that offer additional functionality when run against Indivo

10 Architecture: Before Indivo API Indivo-Specific Apps Indivo
Data Read API Indivo Clinician-Facing Apps Pure SMART Apps Indivo-Specific Apps Sharing API Data Write API Admin API Other Indivo Data Models Indivo Core Data Models

11 Clinician-Facing Apps
Architecture: After Indivo API SMART API Indivo Clinician-Facing Apps Pure SMART Apps Indivo-Specific Apps Sharing API Data Write API Admin API Other Indivo Data Models SMART Data Models

12 Technical Implications
SMART Containers supply Apps with UI integration Authenticated API Access Data Data models are critical to enable app developers Keeping developer experience in mind Data need to be predictable, (relatively) simple The work we’ve done. Data models ‘require effort’, ‘bulk of the work’, in other containers

13 Technical Implications: Data
Data Fidelity in Indivo Coding Systems Non-SMART data What happened to ‘pluggable document processing?’ Held to a higher standard: blue sky: advantages for developers

14 Technical Implications: SMART app Developers
Your apps will now run on Indivo! If your apps are patient-facing (or might be appropriate for patient eyes), you can add Indivo-specific calls to write data, share data, and more. Good coding practice: make sure to fail gracefully if Indivo calls aren’t available

15 Technical Implications: Indivo app Developers
Start learning SMART! APIs data models Code your data Data in Indivo must be consistent with SMART standards When you build new Indivo apps, they will run on other SMART containers But only if you fail gracefully when Indivo-specific APIs aren’t available (Hint: Can you tell that I think this is important?)

16 Future Directions: The SMART-Indivo Portal
Mapping data from local EHR formats to other ontologies requires effort. Goal: If you’ve done it for any SMART container, you shouldn’t have to do it for Indivo as well. Obtaining data has been a primary obstacle for personal health platforms Goal: If you have a SMART container exposing good medical data, Indivo should be able to run apps against that data. For instance: 60+ academic medical centers with i2b2 could all provide Indivo, running apps, simply by setting up the SMART-Indivo Portal.

17 Future Directions: The SMART-Indivo Portal
Indivo API Indivo SMART API SMART Container Clinician-Facing Apps SMART-Indivo Connector App Clinician-Facing Apps Patient-Facing Apps Local EHR

18 Summary By deeply integrating Indivo with SMART technologies, we have enabled Indivo to: consume apps written for other SMART platforms adhere to SMART standards for data models and data quality support hybrid apps that add patient-facing components which are not yet ratified as part of the SMART model Apps API Containers Indivo App Indivo-specific data models/APIs

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