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ABC’s of Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "ABC’s of Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC’s of Culture

2 Art What art forms are typical? Crafts, paintings, music, drama, dance

3 Buildings Which ones symbolize the country?
Buildings, Structures, Homes, Monuments Example?

4 Communication How do people communicate? How is info spread? Example?

5 Dress What clothing is typical? Example

6 Economy Who owns what? Technology? Examples?

7 Family What is the typical family? What are their roles? Examples

8 Government Who has the power?
King, Queen, President, Prime Minister, Czar Example?

9 History What experiences have shaped the country? Examples?

10 Icon What images causes immediate response? Religious/Secular

11 Jobs How does the average person make money? Blue/White Collar

12 Knowledge How is knowledge passed from one generation to the next?
Schools Examples?

13 Language What words and expressions have meaning?
English, Spanish, French… OMG!, Tight! Sick! Examples?

14 Movement & Migration How does the average person get around?
Cars, subway, busses, walking… Example:

15 National Pride What people, places, and things spark feelings of loyalty and patriotism? Examples:

16 Organizations What are the most important organizations (formal and informal) in this society? Teams, Health Organizations, Service Organizations Example:

17 Population What are the largest groups? Who are the minorities?
Age, Race, Religion, Language, Ethnic Group Example:

18 Quality of Life What is the average person’s health and happiness?
Medical care, life expectancy, security opportunity Example:

19 Religion What beliefs and values do people hold?
Traditional Holidays, Festivals, Ceremonies Examples:

20 Status Who and what make up the upper and lower classes?
Castes, professions, racial, ethnic, religious, cultural differences Examples:

21 Taboos What behaviors are considered to be totally unacceptable?

22 Urban or Rural Do most people live in city or countryside? What does the typical community look like? Examples:

23 Vacation & Recreation How do people have fun? Examples:

24 Ways of Everyday Life How do people take care of cooking, washing clothes, shopping…. Examples:

25 X Marks the Spot How does geography shape the culture?

26 Yum! What foods were invented and eaten here? Examples:

27 Ztuff What stuff is typical to that culture? Chopsticks, Wooden Shoes…

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